GuitarPro MIDI problem


New member
I just upgraded to HomeStudio 6XL, from 4. I use a program called GuitarPro to create all my midi tracks for drums, bass, keys, orchestra, whatever.

None of my MIDI tracks exported from GuitarPro will work with either session drummer or dimension LE, which are the main reasons I bought this software, for more realistic sounding drums and bass than I was getting out of the Edirol VSC from Version 4.

Any ideas what could be wrong with the MIDI tracks I export from GuitarPro????? (I know my tracks and input/output are right because I can import a MIDI from the sample files to the same track and it works just fine).
I just upgraded to HomeStudio 6XL, from 4. I use a program called GuitarPro to create all my midi tracks for drums, bass, keys, orchestra, whatever.

None of my MIDI tracks exported from GuitarPro will work with either session drummer or dimension LE, which are the main reasons I bought this software, for more realistic sounding drums and bass than I was getting out of the Edirol VSC from Version 4.

Any ideas what could be wrong with the MIDI tracks I export from GuitarPro????? (I know my tracks and input/output are right because I can import a MIDI from the sample files to the same track and it works just fine).
Not sure if this is just a terminology issue, but you don't "export" midi tracks. You only export audio. If you have a midi track assigned to a DXi (or VSTi), you can export them... but here again you are not exporting the midi data, but rather a rendered wave file.

What you should do is delete everything that is in the file except for your midi data. The choose File > Save As. Give it a new name, and then under the file name, where it says Save As Type, choose Midi.
yeah - terminology thing:cool:

The midi tracks I save from GuitarPro work fine if the output is set to the EdirolVSC synth - but if I change the Output to Session Drummer - I get no sound at all - I have to close Sonar all together before I get sound back.