Guitar volume fading in and out while playing


New member
I have a show coming up in a month with a band that needs me for a lead guitar so we had a practise today and my volume would fade out and back in then cut off for a min then kick back on. I'm using a peavey 212 for a amp and from there I have my boss bass prosseser to my boss acustic simulater stompbox to my boss metalzone pedal to my ibanez rg. I would unplug all my pedals and use different cords and it would do the same thing it really blows cause the show is soon and I can't have this problem on stage. I'm gonna go out and buy some new cables and hope that will do it but if anyone has any ideas as to what could be goin on please help me out.
I have a show coming up in a month with a band that needs me for a lead guitar so we had a practise today and my volume would fade out and back in then cut off for a min then kick back on. I'm using a peavey 212 for a amp and from there I have my boss bass prosseser to my boss acustic simulater stompbox to my boss metalzone pedal to my ibanez rg. I would unplug all my pedals and use different cords and it would do the same thing it really blows cause the show is soon and I can't have this problem on stage. I'm gonna go out and buy some new cables and hope that will do it but if anyone has any ideas as to what could be goin on please help me out.
Sounds to me like a cold solder joint either in your guitar or your amp.
You wouldn't happen to be plugged into a shared power strip with some lights or other sources? I once did a show and a buddy of mine was helping me get set up.He plugged me into the same strip that the lights were plugged into and my volume kept doing the same thing.

I thouht my head was going out but when i was tearing down i noticed where i was plugged into and realized what was happening.It was an outside party with extension plugs galore.You could also be experiencing ground problems.Maybe try another outlet.
Best to isolate each component to troubleshoot. Guitar straight to amp, then try each pedal seperate and see if you can find the culprit.
I wish that I had a dollar for every time that I've heard this problem. Your amp has dirty/corroded jacks. Get a can of Deoxit D5 contact cleaner and clean all of the jacks especially the effects loop which usually is the culprit.
Na the powerbstrip is my own I only have my amp, boss bp3, and my ispot dc adatpter hooked to it. And about that cleaner stuff for my jacks how do I use that stuff if that's what it is? Sorry never really had a technical problem with my gear
Is the volume cutting in/out like a bad connection...or actually fading in/out, like someone playing with the volume knob?

What amp is that exactly..."Peavey 212"...??? that a Peavey model, or are you just saying it's a 212 cab?

Is this a tube amp?
First of all thanks alot for all this feedback and ideas. I will deff look into gettin a bottle of that spray cleaner for the jacks. It isn't like a cut out it's like someone is turnin it down and up and then cuttin the volume completely. It's a peavey special 212 transtube.
Well I used some stuff to clean the jacks and it wasn't cuttin out so I thought sweet it's fixed, wrong it did it twice in a hour and half jam it's deff helped out because before it would fade like 10 times within 10 mins. But still got this problem?
What "stuff" did you use? You really need to try the Deoxit as it works a million times better than anything else.
Years I ago I used to use a rather cheapo Peavey amp (I think it was called an Express 112) and after a while I had the exact same problem with the volume fading in and out. I quickly determined it had to do with the pots on the amp being all crudded up. If I sprayed electrical contact cleaner on the pots it would make the problem go away for a while, but it would always come back. Between that problem and the reverb tank crapping out, that amp was a complete turd.
Best to isolate each component to troubleshoot. Guitar straight to amp, then try each pedal seperate and see if you can find the culprit.
I wish that I had a dollar for every time that I've heard this problem. Your amp has dirty/corroded jacks. Get a can of Deoxit D5 contact cleaner and clean all of the jacks especially the effects loop which usually is the culprit.
Plus this ^^^^^^
The advice about isolating which component in the chain is causing this is the best.

However, my Tele was doing that and it was a combination of dirty selector switch and bad tone pot.

Cleaned the switch put in a new pot and no fade in and out anymore