Guitar Tone


New member
Hello everyone. I've been playing guitar for about four years and have mostly spent my time working on songs and technique and never really stopped to think about EQ or tone at all really. just recently i've been working with my BOSS ME-50 to preset some good sounds. I'm not too good at it though.

recently i heard a song called "Selkies" by Between the Buried and Me. at the end the guitarist is sweeping like crazy and his tone reminded me a lot of some of satrianis Synth-like tones. it really catches my attention, it's just sucha good sounding lead tone. my question is, does anyone think they could help me find a tone like that? it doesn't have to be exact, i just want a good sounding lead sound that isn't typical, lots of sustain and very clear, bust still doesnt sound clean. i've messed around with phaser and and stuff, i still can't seem to get what i'm looking for. my boss pedal has a "square" distort. but it seems to "mud" it up a little more than i want. can anyone help me?

if you go to between the buried and me website, look to the left "News" pane. scroll down until you see "New Song" and click the link to find "Selkies: The Endless Obsession"

it's about 7 minutes, the tone i'm refering to is in the last one or two minutes, when he is sweeping and playing all fast.
ThePhoenix said:
if you go to between the buried and me website, look to the left "News" pane. scroll down until you see "New Song" and click the link to find "Selkies: The Endless Obsession"

it's about 7 minutes, the tone i'm refering to is in the last one or two minutes, when he is sweeping and playing all fast.

That website sucks my ass hole dry.

Where is the link for music? It just takes me to or some shit. and that just takes me to infomercials for shitty bands. Nothing of substance.
the next time I think about going to that Fuse TV website I think I will stop and smash my penis with a mallet instead......

However, I did manage to download that song.

On some of the parts leading up to the arpeggios that you were talking about the guitar parts are harmonized. During the arpeggios and fast picking I don't hear any kind of obvious effects at all......I'm not sure what you're talking about exactly. That is just some pretty precise playing more than likely with a neck position humbucker and a good clean tube amp distortion.
Also - You did not mention your amp, only your effects box. You are gonna get that tone from the amp primarily....not from the effects.