Guitar test recording


New member
How does this sound? It's not in context of course, but I'm experimenting.

The only processing I've done is limiting and volume maximization. No compression or post EQ or anything.

The amp is a Fender Hot Rod Deluxe sitting on a carpet turned up ALMOST as loud as I like it with a TS9. One take is the neck tap, one is the bridge humbucker.

Mic is an ATM25 over the edge of the cap but pitched the same as the speaker so it's not straight on into the cabinet.
that sounds decent. I've played around with an atm25 on guitar and liked it. if I recall it was somewhat dark and woody... maybe good for a special appearance.
Yeah I think that sounds pretty good. Like you said, it's hard to tell out of context, but as far as a basic tone, it's got some nice meat to it, and it's pretty punchy. :)
Thats got a decent tone. Sounds like you mic'd pretty well. The only thing I hear is that it sounds like the exact same guitar tones coming from right and left. I know you tracked it twice and panned each, but my suggestion (and my opinion) would be to get a different tone from each of your tracks. For example, record one with the bridge pickup and then another with the neck pickup. Then pan each of those. That usually helps to give a more full bodied guitar sound. Again, these are my opinions. But for what you did... sounds like a pretty decent recording.