guitar sounds


New member
ive been trying like mad over the past few weeks to get a guitar sound that i like. ive been micing up my amp with an sm57, and im looking for a nice clean guitar sound similar to 1:42 in this video.

YouTube - Mount Kimbie - Before I Move Off

any ideas what kinds of effects you could apply to a guitar part in ableton to get a similar sound to this? everything i use sounds to harsh and distorted.

cheers guys
I dont think effects are the problem...that just sounds like a clean guitar part either a jazz box or twin humbucker with the three way switch either set to the middle or neck pup..

just roll of the highs with an EQ and dont scoop any of the mid frequencies out..

distortion shouldnt come into the gain and dont record too hot...remember when mixing keep the tracks to around say -14 db with peaks of around -8db (approx)

if youve got the wrong amp use a software will give you more options and if its for music in this style a mic'd amp is pretty negligible imho
I find for getting a good clean tone sometimes a condenser is nicer on the amp than a 57, just point it off axis with the speaker cone roll off a little bit of high and turn down the gain up the master volume, when it hits the daw add a touch of verb maybe or chorus for a thicker sound (personally if I'd rolled of the high end so much I'd use a shinier reverb to sorta even it out)
ok, another week, another problem :(

i looked around and decided to go with the line 6 x3 pod. its a great piece of gear, and im really happy with it. only problem is that the sound is fine if i hook it up to some headphones and play my guitar, but when i try to play it in ableton, the signal is very quiet. some amps presets are barely audible.

i installed the driver, and ive tried tweaking a few things, but its still the same result. the volume is turned way up on the pod, and so is the track volume, but it sounds very quiet.

please help me, again.