Guitar sound


New member
I am mixing one of my bands songs for an album we plan to put out this spring and the guitar sound keeps bugging me a bit. I am fine with the overall tone of the guitar but the guitar sounds kind of mushy.. like there is no real punch to it and it all kind of blends together. Anyone have any suggestions? I am mixing in Cubase 5 and the guitar track is an electric guitar with just a little distortion.

add a little boost at 2K or 3K, preferably using Waves API 5xx EQ plugin. you might have to scoop out some lows or low mids, too.
Hard to say without hearing it, but here are some techniques that often can help:
a) A boost at about 2.5 k or 3k with a narrow Q factor, coupled with a boost at double that frequency ( 5 k or 6k), low cut at about 100 Hz, and cut a bit somewhere in the lower mids ( 200-400 Hz) if necessary.
b) Use a plugin like PSP mix saturator (on the Hot Tape 2 setting).
c) Use either or both of those solutions, and add a bit of Waves L2 ( if you have it).
Post a sound clip, otherwise any answer you get is just a blind guess.

I see what you mean, Greg. The blind guesses sure do abound. :facepalm:

Here is my guess...
Push the EQ sliders all the way up, as far as they'll go, from 20Hz to 6000Hz. Then push them all the way down from 9000Hz to 20,000Hz. Then put a ping-pong effect on it and run that through a mangler plugin. If that doesn't sound cool, I'll eat my hat. :D
boost 2K??? That's where the vocals usually are, so pushing 2K will probably end up being more of a problem than it fixes.

post a clip and you'll get some GOOD responses.

you do not need waves, psp, api 5xx or whatever. They may sound cool, but any old plain EQ will do.
'Mush, 'no punch, 'all blends together' and we're all over it with eq.
Could just as easilly be mushy- shape.
Doesn't sound like you're rally happy with the tone at all.
Post 2 clips - the guitars solo'd and the guitars in the mix. They need only be a 10 seconds long.
Otherwise everyone's shooting in the dark & someone's gonna get it in the foot.