Guitar Recording..or playing?? tips

yeah, I don't notice a HUGE diference, but its there. One of my friends notices the same thing and actualy mentioned it to me before I told him my opinion, so there could be some merit to it, But then again I know a ton of people who swear by it so who knows.

Okay I just got the old strat out and tested it. It seems like with the finger ease it has a semi muted effect. maybe im just putting too much on (im not using much though, one pass from about a foot away).
Hmmm... I thought about it after you posted....

I don't see how the tone could change... when it's sprayed on, the majority of it goes on the neck - very little hits the strings.... Also since it's a very light and exaporative fluid, it doesn't clog in the strings so I don't see how it could adversely affect tone!

Could it be you're misinterpreting the lack of "squeak" as a slightly "muted" sound?

I'm not calling you a liar or anything, but I have never noticed a lack of tone using it with any of my guitars.........

hey kelly,

yeah the strings are looking funny at thepicking point right now... i wonder how long they will stay this way... i mean how long they will last. they're 2 1/2 months with fairly high abuse...
