guitar electronics


New member

New here so hello to everyone!

I know this isnt a guitar recording question, but maybe someone can help me out. I bought an Explorer copy and Im trying to put some old Ibanez pickups in it. The guitar is gonna have 2 Humbuckers that are connected to a Tele control plate. Im having a hard time finding a wiring diagram for a guitar like this. Its a three way pickup selector with one tone and one volume.

This is the first time Ive ever tried to wire a guitar and Im really interested in it. Anybody have an advice on what Im going to need for the wiring? Like what cappacitors I will need and what kind of wire etc...

Thanks a lot,

pick-up questions

hey, coolasvanillaice, can I borrow your thread for a sec? ;)

I have a BC RICH NJ series guitar that doesn't sound very good- its two humbuckers are just sort of dull. Can anyone recommend pickups?

Also, I have an Ibanez bass that needs a new output jack, but its the really long kind- anyone have any ideas on where I can pick one up?
What kind of sound are you looking for from the BC Rich? I assume from a guitar like that you want some kinda heavy sound, correct? I had a Seymour Duncan Distortion pup put into the neck pickup of my old Ibanez and a Dimarzio Fred in the bridge pup. It made the guitar sound so much better than the crappy stock pups that were in there. I suggest looking at diagrams for some pickips on Seymour Duncan and Dimarzios website. They display the output and all that jazz for the pickups. I think a high output pickup in the neck would make the guitar scream and would be really good for artificial harmonics. Just keep looking around and try some music stores and play some differentguitars with different pickups.

As for the input jack, try looking on I know they sell a lot of stuff for guitars and basses.


Thanks for the link...

you are probably right- I should hit up the guitar shop and start playing around.
oh yeah- your other question.

What sound am I going for?
I want my guitar when its plugged in to sound like my guitar when I'm playing it unplugged.
When I arpeggiate (is that even a word?) I want to clearly hear what I'm picking. I don't want my low-end strings to get muddy.
I was messing around and had my e-string really loose, so when I hit it hard it made this "bwwwwoooooooooowwwwww" sound- you could hear it ring out... through an amp or 8-track headphones it just wasn't that crisp.

I'd also like a heavy sound, too!
Coolasvan: I would suggest going to They have an extensive selection of wiring diagrams.

Mekab: Check the measurement from the bridge pickup on the BC Rich to the bottom of the strings. Try 4/32" as a starting point.

You can also use two posicle sticks as a good approximation. I hope this information is helpful...Bert
mekkab.....check out Joe Barden Pickups. i'm a metal player too, and i've got bardens in both of my BC Richs. they're not like super high output or anything, but they sound awesome, and they sound BIG but very clear and articulate. not to mention that they look awesome and they're made by a small company based in Vienna, VA
GOod looking' out, FalseRevRG.

Not only have I found a local boy's pickups, but from that Citypaper article I now know why I hate my guitar in comparsion to many other's that I've played: THE DOUBLE HUMBUCK!
If I had two singles and a double, or three singles, I'd get a much different sound- less muddy.