Guitar Effects Through Computer


New member
Hey, I guess this is the best forum for this...

I just recently started messing with my computer to record music. I'm using FL Studio Producer Edition. I play a wide range of styles, mostly just my own style. Metal, classical, jazz, weird techno-y stuff. Whatever. Anyway, I'm having a blast with it so I bought this M-Audio Fast Track Pro to record vocals, guitar, horns, whatever.

In FL Studio I have a VST called "Hardcore" which functions as a pedal board. I like it, as I've gotten some good sounds out of it, but I'd like to have more. It's a good effects processor but I find it lacking in some aspects.

I also use a Digitech GNX3 floor processor but out of laziness I tend to just use Hardcore. Still need to mess with ReWire to see if I can get GenEdit to function in FL so I can adjust the processor via MIDI (at least... I think that what all that's for... still haven't tried it) Also, if I want to record a clean signal for post-recording effects changes it'll require running more cables... Easier to find a good computer based effects and save the floor model for live stuff.

Anyway... sorry... I tend to ramble. My question, finally, is can anyone here suggest some good VSTs (or whatever...) that I can run with FL Studio for some killer effects processing. Mostly it's for the guitar, but later I'll probably be adding some light vocal effects or maybe even messing with the trumpet through it. Mostly the guitar, though.

Amp modelers, effects, whatever I can get. I'm not looking to break the bank but I'll pay a reasonable price for something that's worth it. Though I'd prefer free, of course. ;)

Some of the things that Hardcore lacks are Intelligent Pitch Shifter/harmonizers, decent distortion (I don't care for the dist "pedal" on there,) it has like 5 cab model presets but I'm not too impressed with them, honestly. The preset effects chains are mostly useless, except a few. I just make my own... But I love good presets. I'm not sure if I can link a midi controller to HC, but it'd be nice if I had something with that option. Say for Wha or whammy effects, etc...

So in short, I'm looking for effects/amp modelers for fairly cheap (I'd like to stay under $100-150 tops, free is better) that out perform Hardcore. Must be able to use with FL Studio. I think that's what ReWire is for, if it's not meant for FL... but I honestly haven't looked into that yet.

Alright, thanks for reading all of that and I'd appreciate any help. Looking forward to digging around on this board and learning more about this stuff.

Rock on! :guitar:
Do a quick google search and you'll come up with tons of names. Guitar Rig is out of your budget, but it's fantastic. POD Farm is great, not sure what it costs, and not sure if you can use it without a POD/ Line 6 product. Amplitube is free and I've heard it's okay.
Thanks. I've done a little searching and found some things, I was just hoping for recommendations so I don't spend too much time sifting through stuff.

Looks like everything's going to end up costing around $300... bleh. I'll try out the free versions for now and maybe in a few months I'll drop the cash on one of them.

I saw the Line6 thing in Bestbuy but didn't need the hardware it came with. Good to know that stuff should work with FL Studio. It'll make things easier. Guess it'll just be "free-trial" & error until I find something.

Thanks for the suggestions above, I'll be DL'ing them later this evening.
Ask here.

Thanks, I'll check that site out. I actually DL'ed some of the LePou amps from there the other night. Not quite as impressed as some other people were... but for free they're pretty good.

I've tried out Guitar Rig 5 Pro, Amplitube, ReValver and Pod Farm. It's a tough choice... There is a half price sale on GR5 this weekend so I'll probably jump on that. I think the others all had better tone but for the price right now I think I'll jump on GR5. Amplitube's free "a la carte" option leaves me room to pick and choose amps here and there, so I'll probably do that as time goes by.

Only had a short time with ReValver and Pod Farm but ReValver really impressed me. I found it for about $180 (vs like 300) but it'll just have to be for another time. GR5 for $99 will get me a good start. Kinda sucks that you have to shell out so much more for the expansions... kinda makes me want to drop the $174 on Amplitube right now. Tons of options. Just wish the free version had a "demo" like GR5 so I could mess around more with the "full" version. Holiday sale lasts 'till Monday so I'll be messing around with all that this weekend.

I mean... it's not like I have a life or anything...
Amplitube was definitely cool but for the price difference I had to go with Guitar Rig. I bought it earlier today and am pretty happy with it. I have the free version of Amplitube and plan on getting some "a la carte" pieces or maybe one day dropping for the full version. That was what really made my mind up, the fact that I could piecemeal it and enjoy the best of both worlds. But Guitar Rig was $99.50 and Amplitube was $174 where I found it. Cheapest I've seen. I can't post links here yet but do a Google shop search. The site was bhphotovideo dot com.

Never can have too many options.
This or Guitar Rig (I prefer GR)

Buy a Behringer midi footswitch (Don't remember the name), and you are set to play wah wahs, change presets, PLAYING LIVE!!

Yeah, I'm pretty much digging GR right now. I think you're referring to the Behringer fcb1010. I want one, but it's not a priority right now. I've got some pedals (including wahs) and though they don't control the software they serve me well. Between the software and hardware I've got I'm more than set for jamming out and recording occasionally.