Guitar Center carries Neumann.

We don't have a Guitar Center in KC, but Musicians Friend has carried Neumann for years, so I always assumed GC did too.
here too!(detroit). do you think the guys behind the counter have experience using them in studio applications?(cause you know they will talk to you about them as if they do)
Actually, GC handles a number of high-end lines, including Neumann, Avalon, TC Electronics, Digidesign and B.L.U.E. And they have consistently beat all competitors prices for me on anything they do carry.-Richie
Yeah, the one here must rarely stock them. Today just took me by suprise because I walked in and Neumann advertisments were up everywhere. Maybe they got some hugh deal and decided to push sales a little.

Two for $99. heh, heh.

Oh well, carry on...
Neumann was pushing their luck before trying to compete with BLUE, Soundelux, and Brauner - now that they've jacked up their pricing they are in for a rough ride.

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