Guitar amp as monitor?


New member
Ok. This is going to seem plain weird (because it is!), but here goes.

Forgetting about 'why' we'd want to do this (long, boring story), could someone shed some light on this please? here's the situation.

We have a Marshall AVT275 which is a stereo guitar amp loaded with full freq speakers. We want to run some line-level (+4dB) audio samples from our laptop > mixer > guitar amp.

Now, on the back of the Marshall there are two (L & R) FX Return jacks (i.e. stereo return). There is also a button which switches between -10dB and +4dB FX return.

So, if we put that switch to +4, could we plug the mixer outputs into the FX Return and would the amp then be able to reproduce the sounds AND COPE with the level? Or have I done a bad murder here?
For a PA, we used to plug Hi-Z mics into the "normal" channels of our Fender amps; it can't be worse than that. :D
As far as I can see, it's just 2x 12s. Guitar speakers are usually very intentionally non-linear as far as frequency response, and they will have almost none above 4kHz or so. It will work, but it will sound like ass compared with real wedges.
I see no reason it wouldn't work.Are you planning to send vocals into the amp or just samples? If you have a seperate PA for vocals just run the samples into the PA and use your mixer for what it's intended for.