Guess what, another bass trap question


pull the goalie
OK here's the deal, I got me some of that good ole insulation and I need to cover with some frabric. I have of course read up just like the next guy but I am still not sure what is considered suitable. My question is this. Can a bed sheet be used? I figure that I can get large areas of fabric buy getting bed sheets on the cheap. They come in a ton of different colors and can be pretty inexpensive when on sale. I was in Wal-mart tonight and opened a package to test the material. I really had to blow hard to feel anything through the other side but I could. I doubt I could blow out a candle through it though.
Just how loose of a weave does it have to be?
I know Ethan Winer said in the article that you have probably read that you shoul be able to blow through the material quite easily. However they must be some heavy duty sheets, generally you can blow through them quite easily. Washing the sheets first may improve the ability to blow through them. I know most fabrics are always softer and more supple when washed.

Maybe buy 1 sheet and give it a wash and see how you go.
Wash in hot water.

I didn't think that they were that heavy duty because they were cheap. I guess since they are cheap I may get one and see what happens. Or maybe I could go upstairs into the linen closet and get a sheet that has been around for a bit and test that.
Thanks Kev

EdWonbass said:
OK here's the deal, I got me some of that good ole insulation and I need to cover with some frabric. I have of course read up just like the next guy but I am still not sure what is considered suitable. My question is this. Can a bed sheet be used? I figure that I can get large areas of fabric buy getting bed sheets on the cheap. They come in a ton of different colors and can be pretty inexpensive when on sale. I was in Wal-mart tonight and opened a package to test the material. I really had to blow hard to feel anything through the other side but I could. I doubt I could blow out a candle through it though.
Just how loose of a weave does it have to be?

You should be able to breathe easily through it - the weave on a sheet is too tight for this purpose.

DOn't forget to fireproof whatever fabric you do use if it doesn't come that way.

Thanks Rod, That is the answer I needed to hear. I guess I will start looking after work today for some burlap type stuff.
Try lightweight Muslin from JoAnn Fabrics (fireproofing comments still apply). It's relatively cheap, passes air well enough and comes in any color you want - as long as it's basically white ;)

You can easily bleach/dye it whatever color you want.
bpape said:
Try lightweight Muslin from JoAnn Fabrics (fireproofing comments still apply). It's relatively cheap, passes air well enough and comes in any color you want - as long as it's basically white ;)

You can easily bleach/dye it whatever color you want.

I found a place near me that has colored burlap. Not sure how wide I can get it but I'm going to look into it.
I think I'm going to do frames intead of just wrapping them. I think this way I can use less frabric and won't have to get it super wide. I can easily knock out frames with my bad ass compound mitre saw. :D

Thanks for the help guys!