GT2 question...


New member
I've laid down a rhythm guitar track and I want to lay down a lead on another track. When I go to record the lead I can hear the rhythm track in my headphones but not the lead I'm trying to record. I have simultaneous playback/record checked. I'm miking the amp so I can hear that way, but should'nt i be able to hear the lead through the headphones too? The lead is recording I just can't hear it in the headphones. ???????????????????????
Thanks for the help!
You might check your sound card settings.
I had trouble with mine in the beginning. Just an idea.
Thanks for responding, but I'm not sure what u mean by "check your sound card settings. What settings? Thanks.
What soundcard are you using? Are your headphones working okay? And all the volumes are turned up in your soundcard and/or software mixer.
I think it's a sound card issue. The one I'm using is the cheap on board sc that came with the PC. It says it's full duplex but I don't think it can output more than one sound source. Volume levels are fine, all the correct boxes are checked. I wanted to get a new sound card anyway. Thanks for responding. Scott