Groove Tubes GT55


New member
Anybody own one of these? I did a search, but didn't come up with much. I would be interested in opinions about how it stacks up against other LD's in that price range. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Great Mic

Yes, I do have one of the Groove Tubes GT55 microphones. I think it is a very good underated microphone. Big sound, nice sound. I have used it as a room mic for drums, guitar cabinets and mostly vocals. Through a good preamp it just sounds great to me. You can hear an example I did right after I bought the microphone. This was for a singer songwriter I worked with for a short while.

The audio chain is the Groove Tube GT55 - Focusrite Trakmaster preamp-Alesis AI3 analog/adat converter-Fostex VF16.
You can here the room drum mic application in action at Go to the audio page.
