Groove Tubes Brick & DMP3 vs Sytek


New member
I'm tossing up between these two options:

(1) DMP3 & Groove Tubes Brick
(2) Sytek MPX-4Aii

Main uses: recording acoustic guitar, male vocals, the occasional sax, clarinet. My voice I would describe as a light baritone.

Music style: mainly folk/jazz with the odd bit of rock here and there.

Mikes I currently own: MXL V67, Rode NT1000, Shure KSM44, Studio Projects C4 pair, Beyerdynamic Soundstar II, SM58.

In favour of option (1), I thought this would give me clean channels for recording guitar & vocals, with an extra colour for recording vocals and instruments (the Brick).

It's probably of primary importance to me, though, to have some good clean channels. So maybe option (2) would be better if I can spare the extra bread...

Any thoughts would be gratefully received.
I started with the DMP3 (and still have it) then I bought a Sytek and it's noticeably cleaner. I don't regret the purchase at all. Probably where I'll stay for a while and start getting better mics now.
overall value would be the sytek. I had the DMP3 also and bought a sytek, definitely an upgrade than the DMP3.

I also have the brick which sounds great as well with a sweet DI for bass recording.

If you aren't doing alot of stereo recording like drums. The Brick would be the best value for your applications.

The sound difference between the sytek and brick are very similar. Except that the brick is an all tube mic pre. It's warmer and has a bit fuller low end.
Does that mean it's better? No just slight tone difference between solid state and tube. Other than that IMO they sound very similar.