Groove Agent plug-in. How do I record?


New member
I recently began experimenting with drum tracks using the Groove Agent plug-in (using Tracktion as the host). While it's easy to use the plug-in within the host, I don't know how to get it to record onto to a track! :confused:

Any help would be greatly appreciated! :o

I've not used tracktion... but in cubase you solo the drum track and 'mixdown'. Then import the drum audio back into the project. Probably won't help but at least I tried. :o
Fishybob, thanks for the reply.

Should be same for Tracktion, I would guess. However, I still don't know how to accomplish it.

Any other input out there?
ive never used traction...but groove agent allows you to write to a midi track.
what you want to do is create a midi track and arm it for under the hood in groove agent...enable the midi output...also in the midi tracks properties...normally where ya would choose what output ya want it to go to..ya choose groove agent...but it should play back to your project w/o having to actually make a track for it...if you want to do this so you can have it use all your pre-defined fills and tempo changes...thats what automations for!