Gretsch Guitars?

I was wondering if any of you guys & gals had any info regarding these wonderful instruments. Where they are sold or how much they cost, for instance.

I really like the look of the Tennesse Rose. Has anyone played one? What are they like?

Thanks for your time.

I used to have a '62 Chet Atkins Country Gentleman that was a fantastic guitar. Now when I think about why I sold it I have to be put on a suicide watch. I haven't played any of the new ones though. I've heard good things abouit them .
Have you ever played any of their solid body models? How do they compare, sound wise? I'd imagin the solids wouldn't have that deep, rich tone. I could be wrong tho ;)
I used to have a '76 Gretsch Corvette solid body. I thought the guitar looked really cool, which is why I bought it. It had some major electronics problems and I had to have it rewired. Even after that it wasn't quite right and the pickups had really poor treble response and sounded really muddy. I think something was wrong with the pots or the wiring job because it seemed like the tone pots were parametric. The thing had trouble staying in tune, too. I ended up getting what I payed for it on a trade in for my '83 Tele that I still have.
There was nothing wrong with the wiring or electronics, that guitar had the crappiest pickups Gretsch ever used. It had what I like to call Ho-humtron AKA Hi-lotron pickups. For some strange reason Gretsch starting using these horible pickups in the late sixties. The Gretsch pickups that scream and give that thick tone a'la Brian Setzer are the Filtertrons. If you are interested in a Gretsch guitar make sure you are buying one with the Filtertrons.
I think the new Gretsch guitars come with a reissue of these and some come with a reissue of the DeArmond pickups found on Grecsh guitars from the late forties thru the late fifties. DeAronds are great pickups to have. I have a late forties Gretsch Eletromatic and I can get blues, jazz, rockabilly, and honky tonk, tones from it------as far as cost, most new gretsch guitars are in the $1000 to $3500 range. for a QUALITY vintage Gretsch expect to pay anywhere from $1000 for a base model hollowbody with one pickup and no bigsby to about $2200 for a double aniversary hollow body to $2500 for a solidboby Silverjet, Sparklejet or Duojet, $3500 for a solidbody Roundup, $5000 for a fifties 6120 before chet atkins had gretsch close the f holes and make the body thinner, to $9000 for a White penquin or a White falcon.
I would stay away from the mid seventies stuff all together.
There's something about Gretsch guitar design. They just knew how to make a guitar look like a guitar.