greatest sounding track


New member
Im not sure if this is the right section to post this thread in but anyway.

What is your favorite sounding track and what stands out to you, note this is not about riffs and beats this is about the sound and the recording side of said track.

I will go first.


start of digital bath by the deftones.


that is in my opinion what drums should sound like and the suspence at the start with that wierd reverb thing is amazing, thats my 2 cents.
The Deftones albums have always stood out as very well mixed and mastered albums. Very distinguishable style of mixing or mastering. Everything is in your face, loads of high end, not so much bass, but still meaty sound. Vocals are mid rangey alot and slightly distorted.
But now i am interested in Incubuses sound of mixing or mastering. I didnt used to think much of it as i thought the guitars were muddy and the whole sound was a bit bland. But i like that style now. The guitars are soooo grizly and up front but not for one second do they overpower even one snare hit or one bass note. The sound they have has a very powerfull lo end with the driving bass and thumping kik drum. Sounds kinda muddy at first listen, but it really isnt and is prety clear and crisp. Definetly not as much hi end as in Deftones though.
Dont think much could beat Deftones for high end or volume (RMS)!
Just actually read your post after writing my own! Cool. Is digital bath the one were it starts with the drums with loads of reverb and the cymbal hit rings for like ages and ages? If not you will know the song im talking about. THe drums are the chunkiest drums i have ever heard. Probably the best drum sound i have ever heard.
Steely's Dan's "Two Against Nature" and "Everything Must Go" are sonicly the cleanest, most pristine, yet full and rich CD's I've ever heard. All instruments occupy thier own sonic space, yet blend together seemlessly.

My favorite track of the 2 is "God Whacker" on EMG. Incredible rhythmic presence.
michaelst said:
Steely's Dan's "Two Against Nature" and "Everything Must Go" are sonicly the cleanest, most pristine, yet full and rich CD's I've ever heard. All instruments occupy thier own sonic space, yet blend together seemlessly.

My favorite track of the 2 is "God Whacker" on EMG. Incredible rhythmic presence.

Im sick of hearing them, but yes, those last two lp's are nothing short of picture perfect mix wise. Im a big fan of Pixeleen myself. The chord progression during the verses kill!
Hot Snakes - 10th Planet

No one will agree with me. But the way the guitars flicker in across the stereo spectrum at the start, then it builds up into a wall of noise, then the organ bass kick in, man it's fucking awesome.
ecktronic said:
Just actually read your post after writing my own! Cool. Is digital bath the one were it starts with the drums with loads of reverb and the cymbal hit rings for like ages and ages? If not you will know the song im talking about. THe drums are the chunkiest drums i have ever heard. Probably the best drum sound i have ever heard.

ya that sounds like the one.

i gotta find out how to get that drum sound.

I love the guitar sound on my own summer too.

Incubus sound is good but it just doesnt astound me to be honest.
Yeah i know what you mean. The more i listen to the sound the more i like it though. (mixing/mastering side) Really listen to them for a while and listen out for the bass and guitar. They are very meaty and thick.

I would like to know how to get that Digital bath drum sound aswell. Im guessing it is more to do with the effects rather than the actual drums. Saying that though the drums will be of a very high standard anyway and will give off rich thick resonance. I would say that the drums are recorded and mixed using EQ and compression, then the same drums are layered under the original drums using more compression and maybe slightly diferent EQ. And then maybe even layered a third time with even more compression and maybe no EQ.
But when the rest of the band come in maybe the drums go back to just one layer of tracks so they dont overpower the song.
Just a wild goose chase, but im sure its something to do with layering the tracks.If you ever get that Digital bath drum sound, Private mesage me with the secret tips please.
OOPS, almost forgot the ten ton of reverb that has to be added to the drums at the start! how could i forget. And the overdub of the cymbal hit that lasts for ages. Might even be time streched slightly.
I love the production and the dynamics of the Catherine Wheel's Adam & Eve album.

Here's a track from it:

ecktronic said:
OOPS, almost forgot the ten ton of reverb that has to be added to the drums at the start! how could i forget. And the overdub of the cymbal hit that lasts for ages. Might even be time streched slightly.

could be compression with an increase in the output as it fades. ya il let ya kno if I do manage to get the sound but its not likely that il ever pull it off.
Cheers. WOnder if anyone in this forum could get a drum sound like Deftones. Would be interesting to hear.