Great and Lame album titles

'The Hoople'...........which followed on from the previous album called 'Mott'
I thought "Mott" was a stupid name for an album but for some odd reason, I always liked "The Hoople."
Their classic contribution to album titles however, is "Mad Shadows." That's a great title. A group of kids I used to work with on an adventure playground and I invented a game in which you couldn't touch the ground in getting right around the playground. It was highly dangerous fun. We called it "Mad shadows" after the MTH album.
Does anybody know what Mott the Hoople means?
It's the title of a book about this guy who works at this bizarre circus. It's definitely one of the greatest band names to come out of England. But they didn't really like the name.
A group of kids I used to work with on an adventure playground and I invented a game in which you couldn't touch the ground in getting right around the playground. It was highly dangerous fun. We called it "Mad shadows" after the MTH album.

We called that 'Pirates' at school in the sports hall. One lad would also be after you as well and if he tagged you, then you were out. Climbing up 20ft climbing frames, swinging on long heavy ropes in a mad flurry with twenty other idiots and one psycho after you. (Teacher always picked a hard kid as the chaser). Every man for himself. Lots of collisions, punches, kicks, falls and bruises. But we bounced well when younger. All good fun. It was called exercise. Definitely not very 'Health & Safety'!
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