Got money, want a few more mics.

Strange Leaf

New member
Ok, I got some money in my pocket, and it's burning.

I'm always on the lookout for new mics, but I'm a little unsure which one should be next.

Here's what I have so far:

The ones I often or always use:
Neumann TLM103
Shure SM57(2)
Shure SM81(2)
Shure SM7
Audio-Technica ATM25
Behringer ECM8000 (2)

The rotten apples I seldom or never use:
Sennheiser K6 module + ME62 capsule
Sony unspecified stereo mic
ADK SC-1 (2)
AKG C3000

This is what I'm after:
Something to expand my possibilities, plain and simple.

The way I see it, I lack some variety on LDC condensers, and also I don't have any LDC omni mic. So I've been looking at either the AKG C-414BULS or the Shure KSM44 to cover that.

However, the KSM in cardiod mode is quite similar in sound to my SM81's, so I'm leaning towards the 414. The 414 has a rep as a not-so-good vocal mic, which does not bother me that much, since I usually can cover most vocals with either the TLM103 or the SM7. I would want the 414 as a versitale mic for acoustic instruments of all kinds.

Second, I'd like some variety on small-to medium sized dynamic, where I'm stuck with the SM57's. I'm thinking about a Beyer M201 as a second choice for guitar amps and snare.

Third, I'd like another allround LDC dynamic, although I love the SM7. Here I'm thinking of the Sennheiser MD421 as a obvious choice.

Fourth, This one is not necessary, but I'd like some fast way to record in stereo, without setting up my SM81's. Also, a new mic here would give me sound options whan it comes to stereo recording. I'm thinking of the Röde NT4 or maybe the Lineudio Design QM12 surround mic.

Fifth, a darker LDC condenser would be nice, Oktava 319?

So, am I forgetting something ?? I'd like your opinions on how to expand my mic cabinet.
I love MC-319's. Great vocal mics. An MD-441 or two laying around the house would be nice. How much loot do have to burn?
Don't overlook the Audix D-series for snare and amps.

Like the Beyer M201TG, the Audix are hypercardioid with a narrow, but focused attention span. The Beyer appears to be a bit more rule-flat in response, but this is only on paper. The Audix equivalent is the D3. Both are very low output and designed specifically for very high SPL, which increases their output level back to something usable by a standard preamp.

The M201 is $173 from Full Compass, and the Audix are available under MAP pricing from various vendors.

I have a single AT4040 for my only LDC, and want to get a 2nd LDC of noticeably different coloration and brightness. My AT4040 is Bright/Neutral, so I'm looking at the MXL V67G which is Dark/Colored. There are others such as the BLUE models, but they are beyond my price range.
(regarding the Lawson L47MP)
Originally posted by Strange Leaf Yes, they are very nice...but I'm unsure about betting it all on one horse.

When you're ready to truly step up to the sound quality you desire, you'll find the will to pay for what it's worth. I don't mean to offend, because that's not my style. But, I constantly hear folks at this site talk about stepping up and expanding their sonic palette... getting "pro quality" sound. But time and time again, I see that many of these folks aren't willing to get the right stuff once and for all.

So what do we do... buy a whole bunch of cheap crap or mediocre crap that always leaves us with the feeling of "why can't my XYZ box/mic sound like what I hear on the radio?" Or we'll read a review in a magazine about an artist recording their latest CD at their home studio and we're like, "why do my recordings sound like demos when such and such did theirs at home?"

This is not to say that all inexpensive gear is crap. I have proven it true and you seem to own most of the inexpensive gear bargains: ECM8000, ATM25, SM7, SM57, etc. And for the record the KSM44 is a pretty good mic. I recall an Allison Kraus & Union Station PBS special and CD where KSM mics were used for much of the concert to great effect and sound. BUT, they were using Millenia Media preamps (among the holy grail of clean preamps).

My challenge to you is to step up to the plate. Be a man. Test out some stuff, but be man enough to lay your money down on the line... even if it means getting 1 good thing as opposed to 2 or 3 so so things. I am confident that once you step into the realm of high quality gear, you ARE going to say "why in the world didn't I do this sooner... This one mic could effectively do all of what all these others could have done with 10 times the style!" You'll find that great gear pays for itself instantly just by the lack of frustration that pervaded your former mixes. The suggestion of the AEA ribbon mic is a good one. You would be well advised to consider mics from Lawson, Soundelux, Brauner and perhaps the upper level B.L.U.E. stuff. Now here's the full circle: when you're ready to truly step up to the sound quality you desire, you'll find the will to pay for what it's worth.

Tell 'em Rev E said so. ;)

P.S. I haven't bought every high end piece under the sun, but when I finally stepped up to the plate all of the above became true to me. YMMV ... but I seriously doubt it. Get to or RIGHT NOW and step up.
The good Rev. speaks the truth!I've never noticed the 81's sounding like the 44's in cart..81's seem more "shrill" to me IMO..What are you useing for preamps?

As for dynamics, the M201 is a very good snare mic and I've had good results on horns. But I didn't like it on toms and guitar amps.

I you want a versatile dynamic, the first three that comes to mind are the MD421, MD441 and the Beyer M88, which is also a damn good vocal mic. The 88 shines on guitar amps.

With $2000 you can have them all three and there must be enough money left to get drunk for a week or so.:D
I also think the MD421, MD441 and the Beyer M88 are great mics... and the Beyer M201 is my favorite snare mic.
I think you have targeted some great mics. C414- great versatile mic- and it is a *great* vocal mic on a minority of voices. MK319-most used cheap condenser I have. dynamic- EV20 or MD441 would both be great additions to your cabinet. For $2000, you could buy all 3 and have a few hundred bucks left over.-Richie
I already got "pro sound quality".

To all who understood my question, and especially Michael Monroe, thanks for your input.
Strange Leaf,

If Richie answered your question then "case closed." I responded to a deeper issue that I found with your mic cab... no verve. My response was based on your need/want of "Something to expand my possibilities." I can't see much expansion in yet another utility piece. I always try to provide some context for my post so that's the reason for the longer explanation into the whole "pro quality/mid level gear" bit.

But all of that was based on my personal observation that noting in your current mic closet SCReams "money" ... "pick me." It wasn't an indirect slam against you or your recording abilities. I observe that you have many of the safe choices down pat. Rather than another utility piece, I would like to see something on a higher level than the stuff you've got now... plain and simple. A significant step forward in sound. I purposefully chose not to tell you what you wanted to hear as a "call to arms" ... my new personal agenda of ridding the home rec. world of small steps or side steps. Take whatever you want from that.

REV E....

thanx for the mic info on the Allison Kraus / Union Station...its been on HD net last month and I've wondered what that mic was....