Got Cakewalk....Now whats the Best Soundcard to invest in.


New member
Yet another question from the unsigned UK band PROZAK.
We have invested in a "FAT" PC 600mhz with trimmings etc. which should be good enough to use CAKEWALK effectively the next thing we need is a good quality Sound Card with at least 4 inputs. Can anyone suggest a product that MUST be bought?? We are v. new to this recoring for our selves business but we feel its the right way to go....
At the moment I have a Soundblaster Pro Live but have been told that this is not up to the "job"
Thanks in advance "music makers"!!
NO!!! Get one of the Event soundcards I would invest in a Layla if you got the cash or if you dont Darla or Gina check them out before you do something you regret
Check the "computer recording and soundcards" forum. Do some searches there and you'll find tons of info on various soundcards. You'll feel flooded by options in the beginning but do your homework and you'll find the card best suited for your needs.

Shakes, (or anyone else for that matter) what's the problem with the Gadget Labs stuff? I've been researching for a card and they seem good to me. Especially the new 24/96 card for $259.