Got any advice/tips on my little room plan?


New member
I've got a smallish room at my home on the second level that I would like to re-purpose into a decent studio. I plan on removing the sheetrock on the interior and insulating the walls prior to re sheetrocking. I tossed in some acoustic panels as an idea, but don't have too much background so it's a total crap shoot. I plan on building a window plug of equal mass of the wall. The door will also be replaced with a solid core unit. Currently the floor is carpeted. Would installing laminate on top be a good idea or not?

The recording PC will actually be setup on the other side of the wall for silence while the 2nd pc is just my gaming/office PC.

Thanks in advance for any help!



Looks good so far.
I think that you're on the right track.
When it comes time to build your bass traps and broadband absorbers, you should really check out Ethan Winer on youtube.
He talks a great deal on the subject and is probably the best guy to speak to about where to place them and how thick they should be.
He is also on this forum.
Take loads of pics while doing your room build and post.
Can't wait to see this room progress.
I will check out his channel on youtube. I am in the process of pricing the room out and dotting all my i's. It may not start for awhile, but I will document it when I do. In the meantime I will probably be doing a little bit of redesign on it and posting it up here for you all to see and critique.
Good info. My wife would kill me if I asked to do that to the living room:) I will watch it a couple times to get it to sink it. I currently have carpet on the floor. Is that an issue or should I just leave as is and treat the walls, or go hard surface on the floor and treat the ceiling?
Your Sketch Up drawing has motivated me even more to finish my desk. To bad a small cold front came through last night. Sorry us Texans are not used to 30 degree weather. Laugh as you will : ).

Very nice design!