Good Standalone Cd Recorder?


New member
Hey What's happening everyone! I am considering mixing down from my tascam 414 to a stand alone cd recorder. I saw an AWIA cd recorder for $250 and thought that was a nice looking deal. However in the back of my mind Im thinking "You get what you pay for"....does anyone have experience with AWIA cd recorders? Is there one for a few bucks more that would be a better deal? What kinds of cd recorders do you guys like? Im pretty open as far as price goes. Thanks in advance,,by the way I love this site and really appreciate all the cool advice that I read here. This is the most educational site on the web as far as music recording goes!
Yo Keith of Koolsville:

I think you can search around on this site and get all kinds of opinions.

For the most part, it is true; you get what you pay for.

I've narrowed my research down to the Alesis Masterlink which most folks like. It has been upgraded and the software is supposed to be better.

For a less expensive way to go, I'm considering the Tascam 700 CD box. I've received some information that that box would suit my purposes and my set up from a site friend.

Zounds is doing a sale on what they call their "B" merchandise with Masterlinks for around 900 pezzutos. But, that word in their latest E-ad, "refurbished, may have cosmetic flaws," doesn't appeal to me.

So check around and check the info available on the search button on this site.

Green Hornet