Good source of ambient room sound for recording guitars direct?


New member
What's a good source of ambient room sound for recording guitars direct for less than $100? I'm recording on a Windows 7 PC with Cubase LE. I'm considering either a plug in or even a pedal like a TC electronics Hall of Fame to cut down on CPU usage. Again, this is just for ambient 'room sound' so the direct guitars sound a bit more like they were recorded in a real room. I've heard good things about teh ambient setting on teh Hall of Fame. Thanks!
You're probably not getting a reply because (1), we're scouring the web for Black Friday bargains and (2), there's so much stuff available to do what you want, we don't know where to start.

(A) Tons of free reverbs, etc., available a VSTplanet.

(B) If you simply must pay, try this one: Dreamscape Reverb Space Generator Plugin

(C) There are scads of great vendors with demo/trial versions of their reverbs, just waiting for your auditions.

(D) Since you memtion CPU usage, you may want to investigate the "trick" of setting up your reverb on a dedicated track and feeding your source track(s) through it as aux I/O (one reverb, different wet levels for individual tracks).

(E) Personal preference: record dry, add the effect later. Simultaneously capturing the source and the ambience is not a simple task and removing reverb from a recording is a lot more expensive and time-consuming than adding it to a dry track. But, whatever works for you.

