Good portable recorder? Plus a few questions.


New member
Im looking for something better to use to record the sermons at my church and put them up on our web site.

Currently, Im using an Olympus voice recorder of some sort that actually does a pretty good job. It records at 64kbps WMA, which I have to convert to MP3 before I edit it using Audacity.

Im not sure what I need exactly, but here are a few features Id like to see.

Something that records in MP3 format, so I dont have to convert it before I edit it.

Something that you can use with a lapel mic, or even one that comes with a lapel mic.

This is unrelated, I think, but Id like to see something that records with good voice quality even with a low bitrate. Ive seen other places that use recordings even as low as 6kbps that still sound good and of course play exceptionally well on dial up.

We try to keep the site dial-up friendly because of the rural area we live in. We use a streaming 20kbps file, and it sounds.....tolerable, but could be a lot better.

I dont really know what I need, I think something that bypasses our old PA system would be best, because right now the recorder gets input from the PA system, so anything that goes through a mic gets recorded, which works out ok, but I think it introduces some bad sound into the recording as well.

Anything I can read up on to better my audio education would be helpful as well.