Good Deal? or Rip Off?


New member
I am considering buying from ebay a supposedly mint condition

Kurzweil PC88 with 64 voice expander, foot pedal, stand, powercord, and Hybrid Flight Case for $1000.00

Is this a good deal? or a rip off?
Should I save up a little more (err... lot more) and buy a PC2x?

Thanks for the advice,
I've played a PC88 (when I sat in with a band) and it felt good, played well and had some good sounds. Kurzweil has a good product. Some people consider the Kurzweil piano sound the standard that are others are compared to.

I've got a Kurweil Pro 1200 module (over 12 years old) - and I still think it has the best piano sound (better than any other keyboard or module I own).

However, I haven't priced keyboards in a while, so I don't know if $1,000 is a good price - I though the PC88 was about $1600 stree7 price when it came out (I know it was more than $1,000).

sounds good.. i remember the pc88 like 7 years ago being around $3500!! $1000 seems like a good price to me for it.. but then again.. i notice used PC2x's on ebay for like $1600.. so..

i am not sure if I should move forward. i think i will unless i get any really good feedback warning otherwise in the next day or so.

thanks for responding mikeh. in general; no one ever seems to respond to my posts. must be the way I smell or something. :)
