good combo amp under $600

guhlenn said:
peavey will never be a great tone... decent maybe

That's quite a general statement. Especially because some Peavey's have had damn good tones.

I've owned my share. First amp was a Backstage, then a Studio Pro. They both sucked ass.

Later I had a 5150, a Bravo, and a Rockmaster Pre (still have the Bravo). All of those amps had excellent tones for their purposes.

For reference, I also use a Mesa/Boogie Triaxis and a Quad. Yet I still believe some Peaveys have good tone. Although I haven't played a Bandit and can't comment on it.

Damn. Now I want to get a Bandit just to see how it compares...
well, yes it is quite a general statement. i holds true though as I don't give much for peavey. The 5150 is decent, not my thing though, heard a ultra that wasn't bad ... had a rockmaster,. damn was that a lifeless soab...

i think peavey is good but too lifeless to be great... sorry ;)

then again i totally hate the POD sound and so many people are dwelling with it... it might be me

(notice the "might") LOL


guhlenn said:
oh there is SOME thing i'd like to add;

YOU'RE FROM THE DUTCH/POLISH BORDER???? THERE IS NO DUTCH POLISH BORDER. not even close... dutch polishj border.... comeon dude what kinda shit do you smoke?


YEs, I know there is no Polish/Dutch border, that brings me to:
" Do you happen to know what a lame joke is?" ;)

Maar goed, ik ben half pools/nederlands, kom uit Noord-brabant, dus heb net zoals jij iets tegen die lui van boven de sloten, niewaar? Maar goed, ik speel nu in een funk/soul/pop-coverband Clutch. Daarvoor was ik leadgitarist/songwriter bij Eclips, een death-thrash metal band.
So much for anonimity, eh? ;)
Heh. That translated (Dutch/English) to:

"Solely ranch , I have been semi- Polish / Dutch , pelvis out of North - Brabant , thus have rope like you somewhat versus who slothful with upstairs the snap , niewaar? Solely ranch , I speel now within one funk soul / puppet coverband Clutch. Therefore wax I leadgitarist songwriter towards Eclipse , one death thrash metal volume. "

:D :D :D :D :D

You have to share the link where you got that translation stuff from!!!!!!!! Damn, that shit was funny. Especially funny because I know what it says in Dutch. Duh, I wrote it. ;)

Maar goed, ik ben half pools/nederlands, kom uit Noord-brabant, dus heb net zoals jij iets tegen die lui van boven de sloten, niewaar? Maar goed, ik speel nu in een funk/soul/pop-coverband Clutch. Daarvoor was ik leadgitarist/songwriter bij Eclips, een death-thrash metal band

It says:
Anyway, I'm half polish/dutch, I'm from Noord-brabant, so like you I got something against them folks from 'above the trenches'*, right? Anyway, I play in a funk/soul/pop-coverband Clutch. Before that I used to be leadguitarist/songwriter in Eclips, a death-thrash metal band.

Solely wranch, I wax the leadguitarist towards an Eclipse :D :D :D

*above the trenches= In the middle of The Netherlands there are some large rivers (trenches) dividing the country in 2. The lower half consists of Zeeland, Noord Brabant and Limburg. This is the cool half, where people party, and know how to drink and what real beer is (Hertog Jan, Brand, Dommelsch). We feel that 'above the trenches' the folks are more 'colder', more distant.
IMHO. And the opinion of 4,5 million others... ;)
guhlenn said:
well, yes it is quite a general statement. i holds true though as I don't give much for peavey. The 5150 is decent, not my thing though, heard a ultra that wasn't bad ... had a rockmaster,. damn was that a lifeless soab...

i think peavey is good but too lifeless to be great... sorry ;)

then again i totally hate the POD sound and so many people are dwelling with it... it might be me

(notice the "might") LOL


The Deuce VT was NOT lifeless. Damned good amp, that's why I bought it.
Speeddemon said:

You have to share the link where you got that translation stuff from!!!!!!!! Damn, that shit was funny. Especially funny because I know what it says in Dutch. Duh, I wrote it. ;)

Heh. It got a lot funnier when I found out what you were trying to say.

Solely wranch, I wax the leadguitarist towards an Eclipse

As a lead guitarist, I always try to find a wench to wack me towards an ecliplse.

Time to find someone to "wax" me...
you have waxed youreself one to many i think. damn funny...

anyway yes i am a true southern guy who hates them pussies in the north (i'm trying to act a little american here) the funniest thing is that thestatement is true( of speeddemon) but the netherlands are only like 350km in length... that's like a 4 hour drive... yet the land is divided, shit where's this world going to...;)

anyway yes brand is the best bear and yes lead guitarists do wax to an eclipse more often... :D

Good amp under $600

The only amp that I liked under this price range was a Mesa Boogie Subway Rocket. It had footswitchable channels and a nice, sustained, classic type of lead sound (think more toward the MarkIV sound, not like the Rectifier thing for lead). However, if you did some palm muted power chording it had nice low end. But my advise to you if you want the be all end all low end Mesa punch (a la lower than Godsmack, etc), there is only one thing out there that can do it. The Mesa TriAxis and 2:90 power amp. Then get 2 1X12 speakers and get blown away. A nice, compact system. The problem is the price....... You may want to go on ebay and try and find some old/used mesa pre's and power amps and couple those with a 1x12 and I guarantee, you'll need no more distortion stomp boxes.

Hope this helped!

stupid to tell him to get a triaxis and a 2:90 when he asks

for a COMBO amp BELOW $600...

yes the triaxis + 2:90 is great (have you owned it?) but the rectifier costs fuckin less...

COMBO IS NOT RACK AND $600 is not $6000 ...
