Good cheap mics out there


New member
I recently visited the local flea market and found a guy who ran sound in a church. he was selling a old 15'' peavey bass amp($250), 2 SHURE SM-58'($30!)

I could not believe it! Does this ever happen to anyone else? =]

Was just wondering.

So i purchased one of the SM-58s. He even let me plug it into the bass amp and test it. It seemed to work fine. So i was stunned that i found one of these for 30 bucks!

It actually had "N.V.H" carved into it. That stood for North View High School. Really close to where i live...ANYWAY.....

When i got home i plugged it up into my proccessing pedal for effects (reverb, delay, EQ, etc.)

And then straight into my TASCAM DP-02CF.


I have some kind of Behringer Super cardioid XM1800S that actually has a higher sensitivity i guess you would say? :confused:

But all in all i think it was a great deal and was wondering if anyone else ever encounters deals like that.. :D

Thanks for reading!!
I recently visited the local flea market and found a guy who ran sound in a church. he was selling a old 15'' peavey bass amp($250), 2 SHURE SM-58'($30!)

It's great to get good stuff for cheap. I had a guy at a company I was an A/V designer for sell me a 1982 Telecaster for $100. He bought a new one and his wife said he had to sell the old one...she just didn't specify how much. I love that guitar. :D
