good 80's/90's analog consoles/mixers.

Ok, that was where he crossed the line for me. I banned him.

If anyone thinks I made a poor decision please reply here. If I am wrong in my decision please tell me why and I will change it. Not sure we need him around here as I tried many times to calm the situation. But then he pissed me off...

Open for discussion.

We forced nothing down his throat, many offered good advice. People were logical I dont see that you did the wrong thing. It was a meltdown that didn't need to happen.
Damn...what a shit time for my internet to go down for 2 hours... :facepalm:
... and I missed this clueless newbie meltdown. :D

Why is it that when cornered without an ounce of fact or reality in their hands...instead of accepting what more knowledgeable folks are telling them, and trying to help...they turn 100% spastic and just lash out at everyone in a final burst of energy, like when a dying star collapses onto itself and turns into a black hole...?

If you rewind the film...everyone was trying to provide real helpful suggestions...but when you have someone who has never done a single piece of recording, challenging and arguing with people who have and who know what they are talking about...
...well, it never works out well, and we've all seen it before. The doubtful newbie who is convinced he knows best...yet he is the one who came here asking questions and asking for help.

You didn't make a mistake banning him, Jimmy...but you ended the amusement too soon. :)
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When you start calling mods cocksuckers , especially after they've been cool with you in telling you to chill..... well, last nail in the coffin driven in by a 16lb sledgehammer.

We forced nothing down his throat, many offered good advice. People were logical I dont see that you did the wrong thing. It was a meltdown that didn't need to happen.

And that is what I gathered from the posts. I just couldn't understand why he went off. Tried to tame it, and got thrashed for trying.

Some just do not want to hear other opinions. Been there myself early on though quickly realized that is an important thing to acknowledge. That was so long ago...

Don't call people names for giving their advice tho. That is just arrogance of someone thinking they know it all already. None of us do.

Ugh. That whole thread made me sick. Back to playing dollies with my daughter tonight. Some recording tomorrow. :)
And a merry xmas to you and your family.:D
We've been making penguins. Olives, crene cheese, with carrot feet
And that is what I gathered from the posts. I just couldn't understand why he went off. Tried to tame it, and got thrashed for trying.

Some just do not want to hear other opinions. Been there myself early on though quickly realized that is an important thing to acknowledge. That was so long ago...

Don't call people names for giving their advice tho. That is just arrogance of someone thinking they know it all already. None of us do.

Ugh. That whole thread made me sick. Back to playing dollies with my daughter tonight. Some recording tomorrow. :)

Thanks. I dislike that it had to come to that, but that guy was offensive. I don't understand how anybody could "force" anything on somebody over an Internet forum. I just wanted it stop, and yet couldn't stop reading. I thought everybody was overall very patient with him and made a pretty grand effort to help and steer the thread back to an interesting discussion, but his head just wasn't in that place at all.

Anyway, thanks. It's important we maintain some dignity and respect here. I'd really hate if this forum went trashy and mean like so many others. There are plenty of places to have to deal with that atmosphere available...some unavoidable. I don't want this place to be one of them and you gave him plenty of fare warning and very decently too, but he clearly thinks the world is out to get him, and I'm not sure why he came asking questions in the first place when it seems he knows everything already.
I just wanted it stop, and yet couldn't stop reading.


Hey...I was guilty of busting some chops about Hair Metal music...:p...but I didn't attack him or call him names or make fun of him....yet he got all pissy and defensive and then meltdown in the end.
His constant response to everything was "you have to prove it"..."why should I take your word for it"... :wtf:

The guy came here 100% clueless about recording and asking questions...and then proceeded to reject just about everything that anyone offered up.
I get it...21 and knows it all.
We've all been there to some degree...but you can't piss against the wind if you're not expecting to get wet.
Haha! I came into this thread late, gave me a good laugh for Xmas! If the poster is still watching heres the facts from an engineer with 40 years of time in the studio. I started with analog mono and went up from there. Now working digital.
Console, think $100,000 at least . Tape, good machines can be had for $5000, but double or triple that for maintenance/repair. Effects and outboard, 20 units at $1000 each at least. $50,000 on mikes and cables. 2 million on a good room.
I think your mixer budget was $3000? Time to start saving, let us know when you get there.
And one thing you need in the studio? A good attitude, swearing at your betters will get you nowhere.
While I hate reality programming on TV, it's threads like these that entertain me to no end. I can't explain it.

This is easily in my top 5 2016 newbie meltdown threads. Maybe top 3. It makes me wish that I kept an actual list of newbie meltdown threads. We might need to start a "wall of shame" thread somewhere for excellent examples such as this.

This was like a fine wine as far as these threads go. The cocksucker moderator comment was an almond-flavored mousse on top of the already too-sweet treat of flagrant disregard for expert advice.

...And one thing you need in the studio? A good attitude, swearing at your betters will get you nowhere.

That right there is huge and just about the thing that raised my hackles the most about the OP's attitude...I don't care *how* much you disagree with somebody...when the clock is ticking and an entire team of people, both talent and operations staff, are in the studio under pressure to perform, you gotta just figure it out and figure it out quick, often just letting go of whatever turd you are macerating with your contention. IMO one of the most prominent facets of a true professional is his/her ability to swallow his/her pride. After all, I believe we have a tremendous capacity to underestimate our ability to be complete ignoramuses, so we should be in guard! Having a humble, encouraging and collaborative attitude will build your reputation and make projects more fun...and isn't that part of what we love about creating and capturing music? The collaboration? Making memories while you memorialize sonic art? I've got a lot of patience for a lot of different kinds of people, but OP can knock himself out with his plans and I'll be glad to be left out of anything having to with them.
Yeah what a wreck. I was in it from the start. Started out genuinely trying to help.

When I realized this was just another bedroom warrior "Solo Artist", that's the point I recommended going ITB. No forcing, just recomending, all while still encouraging him to go analog as long as he knew what to expect. Any one that has read my posts knows I'm not anti-analog.

I kept my patience as long as I could but in the end broke down and said he was 'dickish' and being an asshole.

Enough is enough, and im glad he's gone.

Lots of time was wasted on this guy.

Fairview even put together a mix to show him that that sound could be achieved ITB.

Anytime a newcomer just takes, and then demands you prove something to them is the beginning of a disaster.

I know, disaster sounds a bit extreme, but you get my point I think.

I must confess it was an interesting discussion.
While I hate reality programming on TV, it's threads like these that entertain me to no end. I can't explain it.

This is easily in my top 5 2016 newbie meltdown threads. Maybe top 3. It makes me wish that I kept an actual list of newbie meltdown threads. We might need to start a "wall of shame" thread somewhere for excellent examples such as this.

This was like a fine wine as far as these threads go. The cocksucker moderator comment was an almond-flavored mousse on top of the already too-sweet treat of flagrant disregard for expert advice.


Gotta admit, it was epic. What a way to take out the year.
Fairview even put together a mix to show him that that sound could be achieved ITB.

He went the extra mile...and it still had no effect on the OP, because the guy wasn't going to accept any "proof", even though he kept asking for proof.
I think i'll do what a man has to do after a major fuckup.

I'm deeply sorry for the meltdown that i caused here yesterday and all the people that i offended by saying really offensive things towards everyone in here. I was acting like a fucker and i acknowledge it now.

After browsing the thread again i realized that it was me who actually continued the ITB debate by arguing against it over and over again and being stubborn. None of you really tried to shovel it down my throat nor force the idea to me, it was just a suggestion and i should've taken that in a friendly manner, not like i did yesterday.

Anyways, i just created this account to do the apology and set the things in a way that they're supposed to be set.

So yeah, my apologizes for the mess that i caused here yesterday.
Hey Kurkkumopo,
Creating alias accounts after a ban is usually insta-ban but, I'm sure we'd all admit, it takes a lot to come back and post the way you did.

There will always be banter and ribbing, particularly where older genres are concerned but, broadly speaking, people are here to help.
Once in a while there's the odd guy who is stuck in his ways or firm on his opinion; I've been that guy, but it doesn't take much to sidestep or avoid. ;)

Anyway, It's Jimmy's ban and he gets the final say but, from me, welcome back and thanks for posting that message.
An appology is nice. That's a good thing.
Thank you for that. It shows you have at least a little bit of balls.

Now we shall see if the mods allow your new account to stay. Usually banned members creating a 'sock puppet ' account are banned as well.

Thanks for the apology, but I hope you realize that the "burden of proof " that you can behave and not be a dick is on you.

The analog section is a good group of helpful folks.....don't go pissing them off