Goo Goo Dolls Name Cover


New member
Accepting any criticism/help. The guitar is my buddy Kenny Davis playing, I'm doing the vocal. Any help on mix or vocals would be much appreciated.

Man. Let me first just say, AMAZING SONG. Great choice. Honestly, I was a little worried at first because I have extremely high expectations for covers of my favorite songs. Im not a pro by any means , but I will say that I though it all sounded really good to me. Really interested to learn what your technique was to get the guitar wide and blanket the whole stereo field.

That guitar sounds like a DI acoustic, and that aint working for me. Good playing, but that hot, direct, bright sound is no good. The vocals are very good. Nice work there. Guitars are slightly overpowering the vocals in some spots. I'd swap some levels between the two.
That guitar sounds like a DI acoustic, and that aint working for me. Good playing, but that hot, direct, bright sound is no good. The vocals are very good. Nice work there. Guitars are slightly overpowering the vocals in some spots. I'd swap some levels between the two.
Agree with Greg. Don't get me wrong, you did a good job, but it can be better. Bring the guitar down and the vocals up in spots. Basically get everything leveled out. Nothing to be ashamed of. Keep up the good work!
Vocals are first rate. I like the DI acoustic, but wish you had tracked with a mic and blended it to give it more body.

Really first rate recording and performance. Good stuff.
You are dead on on the DI. I asked him to learn it for me so he recorded it at his house and sent it over (he doesn't have a way to mic).

To get the sound he did the DI twice (double tracked) and then panned wide. They are not EQ'd or in any way modified (no reverb, comp, or anything else).

I agree on the balance in some parts, listening in my studio it sounded good but when I checked the car a few places it sounds like the vocal gets drowned out. I'll have to adjust.

Thanks for the comments