
DOBY! Dude! So cool to see you show up post something here....tongue drum? OK nice musicality to it...

Your hippie haven room is cool as a mule...You look great and happy to know you are still alive n kickin...glad you're not "gone" and glad you shared your tune for the new moon... Come on over to Prime time sometime...it's the 2022 politically correct version of the Cave...Maybe about 10 of us old farts still pop in once in a while and expound upon our ignorance...Where ya living? I'm thinking it was some Asian place like Singapore or Thailand before but If this feeble, addlebrained brain of mine is right you moved back to the states. Peace man!
That was terrific. I didn't even know this instrument existed until... now. Great stuff, and welcome back!
Interesting stuff. A live performance no less.

like Spantini, I never heard of the instrument before. Slightly remindful of a steel drum. Any insight in how the name “tongue” came about? For a minute I was afraid you were going to lick it. :)

Thumbs up.
I don't know why they call it a drum - you don't call a xylophone a drum, right? Anyway, the tongues are the (in the case of the instrument I have) 15 cutout portions of the drum that you hit with fingers or mallets - each tongue has its own frequency, but the whole thing resonates every time you hit it, and when you do series of notes and chords like I did, when the thing gets busy, it sets up a kind of multi-frequency drone effect that's pleasant on its own, but which makes it *very* hard to mix when it's played against other instruments. Also, apparently I got lucky when I ordered it from Amazon, cuz they're often way out of tune. Mine cost a bit over 200 Canadian. And yes, very remindful of a steel drum, and you can EQ it even more in that direction to an extent. FWIW, I had two mics on it, but I had to mix them in mono because when I tried panning them I got ugly sound in some sections. Phase issues? Dunno.
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I like how dynamic the tongue drum is in relation to how hard or soft you hit it, very cool. Very cool vibe and can see how it would be a great creative tool,
Enjoyed that tremendously, Paul. That's so resonant that it would appear to me that it was tough to make it sound as "natural" as you were able to capture it. Don't tell me you used the mic on the video camera!
