Going digital


New member
I am new to this service and new to recording. I have some pretty basic questions which I am trying to answer by LOTS of reading.

I just replaced my Tascam 4 track tape recorder with an Akai DPS16 digital recorder. I have a Macintosh G3, a Roland XP-50 synth/seq, Alesis SR16 drum machine, and some Alesis M1 monitors. I have a MIDI interface and cables and the MAC has digital audio in/out.

Currently, I have everything connected to the DPS16 digital recorder, with the exception of the MAC G3. Can someone recommend an amplifier or something that one might use with this setup in a home studio to give more power and flexibility? I don't like having to always use the DPS16 as a power source. Are there preamps that would work for both guitar and vocals? Do they come with effects? I want to minimize the equipment that I need, but I also want quality gear that will improve my system AND my music.

I have no idea what I need. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.