glossy,polish,shinning sound on the master 2 track??

And what to you really think Reaper's future plans are? Do you really think that they plan on staying an independant company that charges $40 on the honor system for their product? Crunch the math. They simply can't afford to stay in business that way. Even if they grabbed 100% of the market away from Digi, Steinberg, Cakewalk, etc and became the monopoly you so despise, there's just not a big enough revenue stream or profit margin to stay there with that model.

Eventually they will have three choices: go bust, IPO, or sell to a bigger company. My money is on the last one; get enough market share and (more importantly) brand recognition to become an attractive buy to someone else. Hell, he already did exactly that with Nullsoft, with Winamp and Gnutella, that's a business game he knows well.

There's no social or economic altruism there. It's entrepreneurism, plain and simple. I'm not knocking it, not in the least. I love entrepreneurism, and I wish those guys well, to be honest. But to mistake what Reaper is all about with a stone soup version of economic "community" (a.k.a. textbook communism) is just self-deception on your part.Ummmmm....what??? This is where your ramblings come out like ooze out of that self-proclaimed hole in your head, and I have absolutely no idea what the hell you're talking about there.


Not that I disagree with a lot of what you said in most of these posts but you go WAY too far and assume too much, ascribing attributes and motivations you dont know to a situation you dont seem to understand regarding reaper.

"crunch the math" as you say, and you'll realize that with the size of the company, it is a doable model, but that doesnt preclude other models

Noone from cockos is claiming to be a model of communism, but if you understood the amount of time put in for the price, "altruism" certainly isnt a bad word. They could make a lot more money and have a lot more free time NOT making reaper
but if you understood the amount of time put in for the price, "altruism" certainly isnt a bad word. They could make a lot more money and have a lot more free time NOT making reaper
Until the payoff, that is.

Again, pipe, I'm not meaning to knock them an any way, shape, or form. And I can also understand your angle on tha altruism thing; at DV we were putting a LOT more blood, sweat and tears into our endeavor than we ever got paid for, and we were happy to do it. It's a great atmosphere, and yeah, there's a lot of altruism on a personal worker level. And, yes, altruism is a good thing, not a bad word as I may have inadvertantly implied.

But let's face facts here; if Reaper really grabs hold - or even looks like it will really grab hold - it will have a big bullseye painted on it's back, and companies with money to spend and an interest in the indie music production market will be the ones holding the shotguns. Combine that with the fact, as you say, "they could make a lot more money and have more free time NOT making Reaper", and you have an eventual situation where bags of money will be dangled in front of a bunch of people who will feel that they've earned it. It's normal and natural. It's also virtually inevitable, if things go right. And it's a good idea, frankly. One which Nullsoft Man has already learned some 60 million times over. (not to mention the Google twins, Yahoo Man, the youTubers, etc.)

Nothing wrong there, nothing to be ashmed of. It's good old-fashoned hard work and effort reaping (pun intended :)) good old-fashioned rewards. Which in itself is a refreshing form of altruism, compared to the something-for-nothing attitude of the Napster generation of users.

Don't be suprised if in a year or two, someone like a youTube or a Rhapsody comes along and wishes to buy Reaper lock, stock and barrel with a desire to trun it around into a proprietary on-line audio production/collaboration app to run off their servers, and the offer is acceped with just the tiniest bit of drool out the corner of the developer's lips.

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Oh it could happen. Im just saying to be wary of what "traditional" thinking has predicted about reaper so far and has turned out to be wrong every time. This is a different paradigm, building an audio app according to what people who actually record audio for a living say they want and need. Its working well, and people are responding in kind.
Don't be suprised if in a year or two, someone like a youTube or a Rhapsody comes along and wishes to buy Reaper lock, stock and barrel with a desire to trun it around into a proprietary on-line audio production/collaboration app to run off their servers, and the offer is acceped with just the tiniest bit of drool out the corner of the developer's lips.

I'm more inclined to believe one of the larger developers will come along, buy it and retire it to take it out of competition with their own product.
What in the hell is this thread about? :confused: :confused:

Excellent question.

As near as I can guess, the objective of this thread is to find ways of getting a glossy sound on a 2 track master. It has to have a shin aspect to it in the verbal sense, and should strongly identify with Poland.

It has come to light that mastering techniques occur in the mixing stage of production, largely in the form of multiband compression. It is best achieved with a piece of DAW multitrack software which may or may not represent communism and/or specific or implied marketing trends.

What in the hell is this thread about? :confused: :confused:

Compressing the hell out of a stereo track...:D

This is a different paradigm, building an audio app according to what people who actually record audio for a living say they want and need. Its working well, and people are responding in kind.
I don't understand what's so different about that. It's done all the time. At DV we hired Acadamy and Emmy-winning sound and video editors as full-time employees guiding the design of our software, and had an alpha- and beta-test groups out in the field consisting of everything from small production shops to nationwide broadcast and satellite facilities, to international equipment suppliers, all providing constant and controlled feedback while using our test products on real-life projects. (This was, of course, in the days when "beta test" actually meant something other than "send unfinished software to the public as a full release")

And we were just a small company that was doing nothing unusual. We had our experts, our competition had theirs as well. Hell, we had people that were beta testing and consulting for us AND our competition at the same time, their opinions were so highly respected and in demand by the developers. Their only constraint was that they were not allowed to divulge what the competition was working on to us and vice versa.

That's how it's done...or at least should be, if the company is competant.
NYMorningstar said:
I'm more inclined to believe one of the larger developers will come along, buy it and retire it to take it out of competition with their own product.
It wouldn't be the first time that happened, but it's not as common as one might think. First, it has to be financially worthwhile to buy something just to throw it away. If I'm going to spend, for example, $20M to buy something like Reaper (just for example), I've got to be able to show myself and certianly my creditors on why I think that just throwing the company away will generate at least an extra $25-$30M in revenues for my own product. Not an easy thing to do unless it makes you the only game in town in a $100M town.

More lilkely what happens is a company is bought for a combination of access to its technology (Its often cheaper to buy off the shelf than to build from scratch), and sometimes even more important, access to it's client base. The way to get a competitor's clients is not to put the competitor out of business, but rather to buy it's business outright.
ez_willis said:
What in the hell is this thread about?
It's a useless Walters thread, ez. Who cares? It's about this now. If you want to bring up another subject, go ahead. It;s not like any OP is being hijacked, there is no OP. It's a Walters thread.

I don't understand what's so different about that. It's done all the time. At DV we hired Acadamy and Emmy-winning sound and video editors as full-time employees guiding the design of our software, and had an alpha- and beta-test groups out in the field consisting of everything from small production shops to nationwide broadcast and satellite facilities, to international equipment suppliers, all providing constant and controlled feedback while using our test products on real-life projects. (This was, of course, in the days when "beta test" actually meant something other than "send unfinished software to the public as a full release").

Apparently youve never used any audio recording software :)

How long most apps got sidechains? How long till the unlocked the stereo locked VST input routing?

The very basics, that ANYONE working in the industry would have insisted on from the start
It's a useless Walters thread, ez. Who cares? It's about this now. If you want to bring up another subject, go ahead. It;s not like any OP is being hijacked, there is no OP. It's a Walters thread.


An Essay on Another Subject​

In order to understand our selves, we must first understand another subject. Underestimate another subject at your peril. Given that its influence pervades our society, several of todays most brilliant minds seem incapable of recognising its increasing relevance to understanding future generations. It still has the power to shock socialists, trapped by their infamous history. Though I would rather be in bed I will now examine the primary causes of another subject.

Social Factors

Comparisons between Roman Society and Medieval Society give a clear picture of the importance of another subject to developments in social conduct. I will not insult the readers inteligence by explaining this obvious comparison any further. The immortal and indispensable phrase �honesty is the best policy� [1] saw clearly into the human heart. Difference among people, race, culture and society is essential on the survival of our world, however another subject smells of success.

Our post-literate society, more than ever before, relies upon another subject. It is intrinsically linked to adolescent inner acclimatisation.

Economic Factors

Increasingly economic growth and innovation are being attributed to another subject. We will primarily be focusing on the Spanish-Armada model, a classic economic system of analysis.

another subject

Clearly the graphs demonstrates a strong correlation. Why is this? My personal view is that the average wage sings a very different tune. Perhaps to coin a phrase another subjecteconomics will be the buzz word of the century

Political Factors

Politics was once a game featuring competitors from elite classes. Comparing the ideals of the young with the reality felt by their elders is like contrasting pre and post war views of another subject.

Consider this, spoken at the tender age of 14 by award winning journalist Francis Woodpecker 'People in glass houses shouldn't through parties.' [2] This clearly illustrates the primary concern of those involved with another subject. Both spectacular failure and unequaled political accomplishment may be accredited to another subject.
One of the great ironies of this age is another subject. Isn't it ironic, don't you think?


We can conclude that the another subject has a special place in the heart of mankind. It questions, brings glamour to an unglamorous time and it brings the best out in people.

What a great essay. Finally a word from super-star BeyonceSpielberg: 'I demand another subject, nothing more nothing less.' [3]

[1] Traditional - possibly first said by King Arthor... but probably not.

[2] Woodpecker - Serving The Greats - 1990 Palmerston House Publishing

[3] Your another subject - Issue 43 - Never Ever Publishing
Southside Glen i got the answer

I put a AURAL EXCITER with slap back/short chorus delay in the side chair of a multiband compressor it really gave me the POLISH SOUND i been looking for

Its like shoe polish on my master mix very shinny said:
Southside Glen i got the answer

I put a AURAL EXCITER with slap back/short chorus delay in the side chair of a multiband compressor it really gave me the POLISH SOUND i been looking for

Its like shoe polish on my master mix very shinny
Good for you, Wally. That now makes it official; since you have an answer that makes you happy, no need to bother with that topic any more in this thread. Meaning either you could simply - and mercifully - lock the thread to close it down, or just let it ramble on on a different topic as it has.

I say let it go, walters. I've got an infinite amount of essays just itching to be posted.

An essay on my infinite amount of essays​

I shall now enrich your life by sharing with you about my infinite amount of essays. At one stage or another, every man woman or child will be faced with the issue of my infinite amount of essays. While it is becoming a hot topic for debate, several of todays most brilliant minds seem incapable of recognising its increasing relevance to understanding future generations. Inevitably feelings run deep amongst those most reliant on technology, many of whom fail to comprehend the full scope of my infinite amount of essays. Relax, sit back and gasp as I display the rich tapestries of my infinite amount of essays.

Social Factors

Interweaving social trends form a strong net in which we are all trapped. When The Tygers of Pan Tang sang 'It's lonely at the top. Everybody's trying to do you in' [1] , they shead new light on my infinite amount of essays, allowing man to take it by the hand and understand its momentum. More a melody to societies dysfunctions than a parody of the self, my infinite amount of essays is quite good.

Primarily my infinite amount of essays builds trust among the people. Society says that every man must find their own truth. While one sees my infinite amount of essays, another may see monkeys playing tennis.

Economic Factors

We no longer live in a world which barters 'I'll give you three cows for that hat, it�s lovely.' Our existance is a generation which cries 'Hat - $20.' Of course, my infinite amount of essays fits perfectly into the Spanish-Armada model, a lovely model.

my infinite amount of essays

When displayed this way it becomes very clear that my infinite amount of essays is of great importance. In spite of the best efforts of The World Bank the market value of gold will continue to follow my infinite amount of essays for the foreseeable future. Supply Side Economic Tax Cuts Tax deductions could turn out to be a risky tactic.

Political Factors

Politics has in some areas been seen to embrace an increasing ananiathesis of intergovernmentalism leading to neo-functionalism. Comparing international relations since the end of the century can be like observing my infinite amount of essays and ones own image of themselves.

In the words of the star of stage and screen Odysseus Tuigamala 'The success of any political system can only truly be assessed once the fat lady has sung.' [2] Amazingly, he new nothing of my infinite amount of essays until he was well into his thirties. If I may be as bold as to paraphrase, he was saying that 'political ideals are built on the solid cornerstone of my infinite amount of essays.'
The question which we must each ask ourselves is, will we allow my infinite amount of essays to win our vote?


We can conclude that the my infinite amount of essays must not be allowed to get in the way of the bigger question: why are we here? Putting this aside its of great importance. It inspires, provides financial security and statistically it's great.

I'll leave you with this quote from Shania Poppins: 'I love my infinite amount of essays? Yes! Hurray for my infinite amount of essays!' [3]

[1] Tygers of Pang Tang - The Cage - 1982 MCR Records

[2] Tuigamala - Captain Sir - 1844 Inevitable Publishing

[3] Smashing Hits - Issue 224 - Jazz Media

thanks for the reply...

you have totally confused the argument i put forward.

I was saying the:

1. NARROWING of the MARKET Choice. (you have less actual choice)

2. the lowering of the Feature set (lower quality)

3. Rising of the price (profiteering)

is exclusive of the effects of Communism and a Corporate monopoly.

now my friend .....not all Corporation are monopolies are they?

But not all systems called "Communist" have these strict restrictions either (China, Cuba)

So it's not a total encompassing effect just as nothing can be 100% and total.

the Point is the Reaper (business model) is as Pipeline thinks is a "new Dynamic" well there i kind of disagree i don't think it's new as such, instead I think now the freedom of the proliferation of the internet allows this business model to succeed.

it's the opposite to communism or any monopoly, i know this sometime can be confusing because we have constant Propaganda coming at us (humans) telling us that Corporation are a "market" and monopolies are a "market" they are not at all anything like a competitive market!

they are like one thing .....Communism.

if i could remember how to do images (I’m not the HTML guy) I’d show you.

let me try

i didn't take that shot.

but obviously some out there understand.

southside I’ve made my statement about Reaper or a business model like it I will say :

Let Us see.

see if history proves me right or wrong.

As you can see (by how much I rabble on here) I like sociology, macro economics and psychology.

So I will be happy to see if I’m right or not.
can you find me an essay about excessive testicular sweating? how about one written about the social implications of mass anal rape of midgets with malformed sphinkters, which results in excessive bleeding and abnormal lack of stool control?
I don't need to

just see:

"The social implications of mass anal rape of midgets with malformed sphincters and the resulting social graffiti problem from the excessive bleeding and abnormal lack of stool control"

by Hamish Log-Out.

pnp England 1894.
reprint 1988.
ref 11349573.

Jesus built my car
Its a love affair
Mainly jesus and my hot rod

Yeah, fuck it!