Giving the V-Amp Pro a nod...

Sky Pilot

New member
Althought I must admit that I am not a big fan of the "B" word
company, I have bought a few peices of their gear over the
years. Most were OK to pretty good in my experience.
I have just recently bought the V-amp Pro rack version of the
V-amp 2, and so far, this thing has got me giddy.

Here's a few reasons why I think I really dig this unit- it really
sounds great, and at 199, in my opinion its a steal period.
It also has some nice studio quality options the original didn't
have, like digital outs, and word clock. Also, nice construction,
not plastic like the table top version. It's a solid rack unit.
And although I liked the POD, let's get real. It's over priced, and
touted as the grail of modelers by some. I swallowed my pride
and gave the V-amp a spin and now like the V-amp all the more.
Even without the price diff, the V-amp more than holds it ground.

I used it last night live while playing in a house band for 6 hours,
with a mosvalve power amp and my trusty ol' celestian vintage
30 watt cab, and it was cake. Just dialed it in to taste. The amp
models range from OK to very nice, and I had no prob playing
anything from rock, funk, and pristine clean.

So if your looking for a good rack mounted gtr amp modeler, and
don't want to spend a ton, Check it out. Just passing on what
I feel is a great piece of gear at a great price.

Sky Pilot
..................................................dead silence............................and then theres one guy that stands up and starts the slow clap............the lady 3 rows over starts up....and then 5 more and 10 more and soon the stadium gives a standing ovation throwing streamers people stop being politically correct for a minute with their mackies and say.."hey ya know what? if he can like it...maybe I should take a second look at it" and catholics and protestants look at each other and give each other a one will hug muslims just yet but they give a nod of acceptance from inside the bulletproof skybox. and the world is a better place.
Just passing on info on a good product & good buy.
I haven't seen anyone comment on the "Pro" version yet, so I
wanted to help others who may be interested. That is exactly
how I have found out about many great buys on this very BBS.
If you don't like others commenting about products, regardless
of who makes them, then that would be your problem.
Personally good gear is good gear - period- ovations or not.

Sky Pilot
I love the Behringer V-Amp 2/Pro line. Great bang for the buck and great sounds.

So far, I've found that, contrary to what I read about everywhere, Behringer makes great products. I dont particularly care for their amps (besides the digital kind) but even their mixers prove to me time and time again that a reputation that is bad is just that -- a reputation.
I have to give a thumbs up to the Bass V-Amp Pro, too. It's a great little unit for the money. I bought it after lots of frustration in trying to get a good bass sound on my recordings. It does what it claims to do and I am happy with my purchase.

<disclaimer> Yes, I know that my lack of engineering skills, lack of good mics for recording bass and lack of an ancient Fender Bassman or Ampeg bass rig are the real problem here. </disclaimer>
rxQueen said:
check out the ADA MP-1 preamps... they're really good too

?????????? - ?

Funny, but they actually were considered "the stuff" back in the
late 80's early 90's. I still have one sitting in my studio's rack.
They went for an obscene amount of cash back then.
A little interesting history for ya.

Sky Pilot
Sky-Thanks for your comments on the V-Amp Pro. You're the first to post comments, favorable or otherwise about it. I agree that the PODxt is overpriced but seeing how the POD is considered the grail people are willing to fork over the cash. Nice to know there is something to compete with the POD at half the price. :D
Thanks for info!

I have a V-amp2 I really like and just picked up a J-Station I'm happy with as well - of course they both have their pros and cons, but are perfectly usable in sound creation. In fact, I've been experimenting with using both and blending the outputs - some pretty cool sounds have emerged so far.

The SPDIF out on the J-Station has got me looking at the V-Amp Pro now and Christmas IS coming up.....
I checked one of them out last weekend, and although I didn't but that one, I was impressed with the sound. I have a rack full of the Behringer Tube stuff, Preamp, composer, and ultrafex, and I really have been happy with all of it. I had a mixer of theirs several years ago, and I still see it out being used live around town all of the time.
I ended up buying the Boss GT-6 processer and so far I'm very happy with it.
jasonbird- Hold on now, you selected an effects pedal at twice the price (V-Amp Pro) and over the PODxt, what made you select the GT-6? That is a tough decision, one of which I have lamented over for quite some time.
The Boss has more features than the POD. The built in wah pedal, 340 effects, and I think is better suited to playing live. The tweakability factor is greater with the Boss also. They are both nice, but for the features and capabilities, I think the Boss is ahead. I really like my amp, so the amp modeling is less of a factor for me, and the effects, and sound quality were most important to me. The MIDI and digital ouputs are all icing on the cake.
JMHO, Jason
Jasonbird - Thanks for the feedback on the GT-6. I was leaning that way (I have the GT-3) and I guess I just needed a push.
Getting back to this thread, I really liked the V-Amp Pro (especially the 'clean' tones) and I agree at $199 it is a steal. The lamenting starts when you begin questioning whether the GT-6 or PODxt at double the price are twice as good. Uh oh, here I go again.....
i have the gt-6 also

and jasonbird is right...i can take take that thing anywhere and select different outputs whether it be midi, digital, mono or stereo and select the type of signal for the output like how it would work for a small amp, 1x12,2x12,half stack, full stack, line out headphones and line out PA. i enjoy having need to wheel the amp into church and if i have a PA at a show and my amp blows...the show can go on and i just plug it into the PA. i would suggest buying the carrying case so you dont have to lug it around everywhere and get the knobs all out of sort
and my original intention was to get the behringer v-pro and a 4x12 cabinet which would come to the price of the GT-6 however i couldnt find anything on if the v-pro was powered or not so i decided against it and just model my 2x12 to a 4x12 .....after a few months with the GT-6, i still want the 4x12 so I'll be getting the behringer ultrastack with jensen speakers. still kinda want the v-pro
I got one a few weeks ago, but didn't have a chance to test it until Friday (when I got my electrics back from the shop). I think I got a used unit when I paid for a new one from MF. Reason: the box was a little beaten up, and twice taped. Also someone had changed all the factory presets and I had to reset the unit.

MF was also selling used V-Amp Pros for $180, and I was considering getting one of those but bought a new one instead. I think somone had their warehouse mixed up when packing my order. They won't let me exchange unless I pay return shipping either (their argument: the system says we shipped you a new unit, so it must be new).

Other than that, I agree that it sounds very good. None of the amp sounds are realistic in themselves but in a full recording mix it's pretty convincing. Other amp modelers I've owned are the Digitech RP100, V-Amp 2, J-Station, and DG Stomp and IMO this one sounds the best and is the most versatile. The noise gate settings on all of the presets seems a little low (noticeable hum coming from a humbucker-equipped guitar) but easily corrected. I haven't used the MIDI software yet to control the V-Amp Pro, but unlike the J-Station, it's not absolutely necessary. It's intuitive enough to use so I don't have to turn on the computer every time I want to mess with the settings.
I was wondering

If anyone has recorded a full song successfully with the v-amp pro. Im about to go buy one so i can finally get around to recording all of my songs (of course i have no drummer, so im using fruity loops). And i wanted to know how it came out if so, good, bad, mediocre? Or does anyone have a clip? thanks