Give my mixes a listen


New member
Hey, Im pretty new to recording and mixing, give my site a listen,
I dont have an mp3 with me, so here is split link,
samclements dot net
"Rocket King Beijing" is my newest, its an instrumental.
Its kinda vibed off of those old midi tracks on those retro video games.
Tell me what you think.
I listened to the first few tracks on your site. Off the top of my head I would say that when your stuff goes more "metal" it starts to sound overcompressed.

Also, your leads are very nice, but I would like to hear them in the same sonic space as everything else. They just sound like they are floating on top and not part of the songs.
I listened to the first few tracks on your site. Off the top of my head I would say that when your stuff goes more "metal" it starts to sound overcompressed.

Also, your leads are very nice, but I would like to hear them in the same sonic space as everything else. They just sound like they are floating on top and not part of the songs.

What do you think I should do to make my leads sound "more in the mix"?
Yeah, I used to use alot more compressor, on my two newest songs I didnt use any, I pushed the master volume and then had a limiter @ 0, I think it sounds better, but it kinda lacks that color you get from compressors. I guess I need to figure out how to set up a compressor right, so it adds a little but you dont get the sound of blood going to your head, :P
I should have read your post more closely. Stupid me.

I listened to Rocket King Biejing.

I liked the lead guitar playing. The sound effects in the first couple of seconds were cool.

The guitar sound is a little on the fizzy side.

The programmed drums sound programmed. :) Some of the cymbal crashes sounded a little unnatural and repetitive.