

New member
Ahh...the newbie section. Feels like home.

I have just begun in the world of digital recording, and I'm using the US-122 and included software-hey, it works o.k. for my simple setup! Anyway, I'm not really sure what the Gigastudio does. I loaded the program, and it looks like a synth type deal, but I'm not sure what I need to trigger it. I'm hoping I can use it to program the occaisional drum part, and maybe do some weird instruments(I'm assuming I need a MIDI keboard for that). Do I need a drum machine to program a drum track, or can I do it manually somehow?

I spent some time reading the manual yesterday, but it started off assuming you knew what the hell the thing was used for! I am looking for a product description appropriate for a four year old. :D
Gigastudio is just the sampler (well, 'just' is a bit weak, as it's a damn good sampler!) so you'll need to use it in conjunction with another sequencing program or hardware if you want to program something with it... you can plug in a MIDI keyboard and play the sounds, or even use the built-in keyboard display to audition stuff, but if you want to get into sequencing, you'll want something like Sonar or Cakewalk or whatever to run it to it's potential. I use Sonar and I'm happy!