Ghost In The Machine....Slow Speed - VF80EX


New member
I like to think of myself as a person who is reasonably clued up on the machines I work/play with. You know the drill, read the manual, experiment and sooner or later you get some rather good results.

To neally 90% of my experiments I have had successful outcomes or I have figured out a glitch or someone on here has had the same problem and the forum has answered it.

This latest "Ghost In The Machine" has me stumped though...

I recorded some finished tracks to use as a backgound via the S/PDIF. Set all functions correctly and the tracks played perfectly. Then I was asked to go and do a rehearsal mix for a jazz group I know. Very basic stuff, nothing fancy like having to use 6+ mics on the drums etc. Just a an overview recording so the musicians had an idea of how they sounded.

Again, mixed it all down to 7/8 track and then burned a CD for them. No problems.

Went back to the tracks I loaded PRIOR to the Jazz recordings and they are all playing at half the speed. I have turned the machine off/on (rebooted) a number of times with the same result. NOW IT GETS WEIRD....

If I leave it for an hour or so, boot it up ... Voila! Everything plays as it is supposed to ... at the correct speed.

Remember, it is ONLY the tracks brought in by the S/PDIF connection that have this glitch. Everything PRIOR and everything SINCE plays at perfect speed.

So, does anyone have any ideas before I call the local priest for an exorcism? :rolleyes:
Never used S/PDIF, but still that's very weird. I'm not clear. Does the glitch happen after the machine has been running for a while? Does it go away when it's turned off for a while or just left alone, as in "on" but not being used. If turning it off and leaving it solves the problem I wonder if there's a heat build-up thing causing the processor to malfunction, or the HardDrive...

But still, you'd think ALL tracks would be affected...

You may want to consult the manual as to whether or not a Catholic or Anglican Priest is preferable.