Getting XLR AT2020 and AT2021 | What kind of XLR cables to get?


New member
Hey everyone! So I've recently purchased the Focusrite 2i4, the AT2020 (XLR) and the AT2021 (XLR). They are currently on their way. Though I hear that these mics don't come with XLR cables. So I have a few questions.

1 ) Do any XLR cables work with the these mics? Would I be able to buy two of the same cables that would work with both of these mics?

2) Does the quality of a cable matter? Are they all basically the same?

3) I really don't know what kind of cables to buy. Can anyone recommend me an inexpensive yet solid quality cable on amazon and link it to me here? (do these work with both these mics? I'd buy two of them)