Getting the right bass sound


New member
Apologies if this is a bit of a noob question, but here goes.

I'm going to be recording some punk tunes, and I'm trying to get the right sound via either gear box or Amplitube 2 (i prefer the latter for bass).

I've been fiddling around with everything on there, but can't quite get the right sound. I'm trying to get that slightly clangy, rough sound (think NOFX style bass) but I can never quite get it.

Has anyone got any advice?

PS: Not really a bassist, I know little about amp sounds and such. I acquired one and taught myself, so apologies if I'm missing something obvious.
Low action (for a little rattle), tone and volume controls all the way up, and a hint of gain will get you a long way toward Fat Mike's sound. The high-end you can add with active electronics can help, but certainly isn't necessary (I don't think Mike uses active basses).
Use flat wounds as a starting point for a more percusssive attack. You'll be halfway there already. Seriously.

In addition, pick way towards the bridge. The orange dunlop gives a bit of that scratchy sound. I'm not sure about the flatwounds, I've always gotten better "punk" sounds from really bright roundwounds like the DR hibeams.