Getting the most from amp modeling


New member
I know amp modeling is a sensitive subject for many and provoking a real vs. modeled discussion is not my intent. For me it is a logistical question. I don’t have the controlled recording space, the truck loads of equipment or, in practical terms, the skill to get much better results even if I had the setup. In short, I’m writing and recording tunes in my home office in front of a PC and am therefore committed to getting the most of these digital solutions.

In my case, I’m using Amplitube 2. I qualified for upgrade pricing, the UI/usability is particularly appealing and in general, I’m impressed with the sounds. However, I do feel there is more untapped potential if I can just learn some more tricks or glean from others with more experience. I can imagine that some aspects of producing guitar/bass tracks using modelers are virtually the same as traditional, but at the same time, modelers have there own character and may benefit from techniques unique to them.

Internet searches haven’t revealed much along these lines. Searches on this forum haven’t revealed much more, although there are certainly numerous members trying to make use of this and competing products.

I just thought I would throw the topic out there. Perhaps some of you would share some experiences. If you know of information resources I’ve overlook, please point me to those.

Thanks abunch, Daren
Although it's fairly easy to get a usable sound in Amplitube using presets, I think modelling in general shines in the re-amping department. I like to record a relatively clean track using my favorite guitars and then re-amp the tracks while listening to the result. What I don't like is sitting for hours trying to get that perfect patch for my solo, only to find out it doesn't work in the song. I use modellers quite a bit, but only have three or four go-to patches to record with. After my tracks are laid, I can twiddle knobs till the cows come home. You can pretty easily Mesa-fy a clean track with Amplitube and your favorite compressor/EQ combination. Modellers are, after all, just another effect.