Getting the best acoustic guitar sound possible with remedial equipment

Toasta Whales

New member
All I'm using is a "USB Mixing Studio MW10" (mixer) by Yamaha and a DR-VX1 Digital Reference microphone (I don't have a mic stand, just to note), yet I want to get a really good acoustic guitar sound. Theres a song I'm recording for my cd and its arranged only for acoustic guitar and vocals, so the guitar will be out in the forefront, meaning the quality must be good. Please help me.
The mic is a dynamic and I've never had really good luck with dynamics on acoustic guitar. An LDC or SDC might suit your needs a little better. There's a whole slew of different condensers that are out there that will get you a good ac sound.
I'm also thinkin the onboard pres in the mixer might get kinda noisy as you crank em up.

Maybe start with the mic first. See if you can upgrade that to the best condenser you can afford. And ya might wanna get a stand. I like boom stands for the versatility. Placement is a BIG factor when it comes to ac guitar. And just about everything else you mic as well.

My thoughts anyway...

Dynamic/condenser aside - That's one of the cheesiest mics on the planet.

Establishing that the condenser sounds better -

With a great sounding guitar, it's almost hard to make a bad recording with a decent mic through a decent preamp.

With a "so-so" sounding guitar, the best front end in the world will make it sound "so-so" at the very best.

Shouldn't need any tone control on the way in. Gain is whatever it needs to get a decent signal (probably hitting around -10dBFS at the converters).
Don't have the mic aimed right at the soundhole...otherwise too much boom. Experiment with placement...including distance and angle. Open chords I think are the hardest to record well because they are the most boomy.