Getting That Ska Punk Sound


New member
I've recently started a new band (I'm the drummer hence the newb post) and we're going to be doing Ska Punk. I'm playing around with my amp modelling software, trying to get the best clean ska punk tone so I can give my guitarist (also a newb, well to the genre ne way) some advice.

So, lets pretend money is no object. From guitar, to effects to amp, what would be the ideal? Be as specific as poss, even down to amp settings. At the moment I'm using a Tele copy into my computer, simulating a Clean Marshall with bass at about 4ish, mids up around 7 or 8 and treble around 6. I've got a little bit of verb on there and been messing with an eq pedal, small amounts of gain and a compression pedal, but I can't quite get the perfect sound.

I'm playing ska style chords, keeping it all very staccato with the right rhythm, but it just never sounds a little bit weak.

Again, apologies if this is dumb question, but I'm self taught on the guitar, so I'm not very knowledgible on amps, effects etc.
I think first you need to get a chess-board black and white suit jacket and a matching hat. Purple tie, green pants (keep them 3" too short). Suspenders.

At least three trombone players. Don't shortchange on the trombones.

Get that going and the ska kids (are there any even left? I thought it went away in 2002) will come. Nobody will notice the guitar tone.
Yeah, i know it's not cool anymore, but I'd rather be in a band I like playing in than something that's "Cool".
HA. great thread. I spent 5 years of my life in a ska punk band. Best band i was ever in truthfully. too bad it ended on such a sour note.

Also on the truth tip. We ended up going with 100% crap stuff! Almost. We combed flea markets, yard sales, pawn shops friends garages etc. Looking for whatever we could get our hands on. We had access to some really top of the line amps and effects from the guys we shared jam space but it just wasnt the sound we were looking for.

Long story short our lead played with a Peavey Studio Pro 110 (ha!) and switched back and forth between the ska and the dirt via a foot swtich, same as our rhythm guy but played out an old Fender Deluxe Reverb. I cant tell you what settings each was at but i will say our leads peavy had hands down the most deadly clean ska tone I have heard ever.

Also of note, to add to our dirtiness i also ran my bass thru A Boss DS-1 distortion pedal and 2 cabs, one yamaha G-100 4x12 and One peavy Bass cab not sure what its guts were. Had them set up on either side of our drummer. Not sure why? Seems really silly now.

The sad part was, our one and only recording we did was absolute shit. Our first ever crack at it and it did NOT!! capture our tones or atmosphere. total bummer. typical high gain distortion, drums lacked tone, no bottom end on the guitars what so ever. Etc Etc. but the songs were there and still kick ass. We were young and stupid and terrified to stray from our "settings" we used live. I'm not going to embarrass my self on how we recorded them.

Lesson learned.

So what im trying to pass on is dont short sell anything. If you have access to anything try it and find a use for it. You may be pleasntly suprised. It worked for us. And if your recording, take your time.

If you want to hear those songs, i have them. let me know. they are great songs and a great example of how NOT to record a great song. Also transferring them from casette didnt help matters much. But im also picking away at trying to clean them up as best i can. hahah.

Good luck. Im sure this doesnt help. I just got homesick for the past....:(
Yeah, i know it's not cool anymore, but I'd rather be in a band I like playing in than something that's "Cool".

HAHA also, we bypassed the whole horn section thing. to avoid the hype of the, then trendy, horn blowing ska bands. We considered ourselves to be the unnoticed kick in the nuts ska/punk music badly needed.

Ok I'm done. HAHA
I've recently started a new band (I'm the drummer hence the newb post) and we're going to be doing Ska Punk. I'm playing around with my amp modelling software, trying to get the best clean ska punk tone so I can give my guitarist (also a newb, well to the genre ne way) some advice.

So, lets pretend money is no object. From guitar, to effects to amp, what would be the ideal? Be as specific as poss, even down to amp settings. At the moment I'm using a Tele copy into my computer, simulating a Clean Marshall with bass at about 4ish, mids up around 7 or 8 and treble around 6. I've got a little bit of verb on there and been messing with an eq pedal, small amounts of gain and a compression pedal, but I can't quite get the perfect sound.

I'm playing ska style chords, keeping it all very staccato with the right rhythm, but it just never sounds a little bit weak.

Again, apologies if this is dumb question, but I'm self taught on the guitar, so I'm not very knowledgible on amps, effects etc.
A cool trick you can use to get a nice crisp and articulate sound on a ska track(or any track)is to record the sound of your strings unamplified.Set up your sound then place a mic in front of your guitar Adjust to taste ( I usually place my mic 8-10inches from the body ,closer to bridge for a snappy, trebly sound, closer to neck p/u or where neck meets body for a warmer sound then record. You will then have a double thats perfect with the amplified track and that you can then mix in for extra articulation