Getting Started - Which way to go?


New member

I am a guitarist and I just got back into playing after taking a 10 year break! Before that I played for about 10 years.

My style is instrumental rock/fusion/jazz..

I want to get started in doing some home recording. I know nothing about basically I need some basic starters info.

OK...I have my guitars and amp. That's it! The sounds I need are simple...guitar, bass, drums, and occasionally keyboard.

Which direction to I go in? Do I buy a drum machine, 4 track recorder, and some sort of keyboard equipment (BTW - I can play basic piano chords and bass). Or is there other equipment that has some of these already combined?


Well 2 quick questons....
1. Budget???
2. Do U have a descent computer??

becuase a computer can be a drum machine/keyboard(midi)/4 track recorder all in one.....

definetly budgets the big question...but sabith is right , the pc can be a great tool , providing its up to the job .. also how many people are you looking at recording ?? is it just u ??
Thanks for the replies. Yes, I have a computer but it certainly needs to be upgraded (i.e. replaced) which I might do regardless of my recording situation...

So...can I get some advice on both directions. That is, using the computer and going the more traditional avaenue of 4-track recording.

Also...yes, it is just me recording. Like I mentioned most of my music will be guitar (2 tracks), bass, and drums, and occasionally keyboard.
Sabith didn't ask you what your budget was because he was curious - he asked because budget determines which route you can go - cassette 4-track recorder, standalone box, ADAT plus mixer, or computer recording.

What's your budget?
Oops Sorry! I didn't mean to dismiss that question...I haven't really decided on a definite budget but for our purposes let's say somewhere around...$1,000.

First of all you need something to record, that is some kind of keyboard and some kind of drums. There are a lot of descent budget keyboards around with built in drums, but I have no idea which is the best when it comes to that. Others may help you there.
OR... You can start a band. :)

Next step is to find something to record on. What depends on how much money you have left after getting the keyboard, and if you have upgraded you PC or not. If you have, then you can get N-track fairly cheap and use the PC as multi-track. Also get a good mic and a preamp. The best deals right now seem to be the Røde NT3 and the ART Tube MP preamp. (There are some sound cards that have good preamps in them, but they are usually very expensive).
Make sure the setup you decide on is fully expandable. You'll always end up needing more (storage, inputs, etc.) than you can think of now.