Getting Start


New member
I'm looking to start a home studio and i dont want to do anything computer based. I would like to do something with like a multitrack or some other method. I'm new to the recording world so i dont know what there is out there. I would like to have over 16 channels. Alot of the Multitrack i look at have a built in drum sequencer and i just dont need that. Does anyone have any ideas. I'm not wanting to spend over $1000. I have nothing against offbrands or used stuff. Can you guys help me out?
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so you're looking at some good digital stuff for that price.

One thing that caught my eye was the new korg 8 track, it looks like it has an analog mixer section, but i didn't chekc specs yet.

there is a ton of stuff available now in that price range.

ok, i see you want over 16 channels, well, that would mean some Fostex stuff, boss, but over 16? the next thing over it is ususally 32, and that's starting to get over a grand.