Getting live vocals in headphones as well...


New member
Basically when I used to record, I could get the instruments in my headphones (Which is the point) but also when I would use the microphone, my vocals would come in as well so I could hear them. I can't get this to work anymore and I don't know what I am doing wrong?

Basic Setup:

I have my Rode NT1 hooked up to my Behringer Mixer VIA XLR. The TAPE OUT on my mixer goes into the IN on my Audiophile Box. It records fine but I'm having trouble with configuring it the way I want which is to hear my Voice through my headphones while I'm in the booth.

Anybody know a solution?
I plug them into my sound device. However I've plugged them into my mixer as well and I couldn't get it to pickup my live vocal as well as the playback of the instruments while I recorded.

I know I'm forgetting something....not sure what it is....

It's like when I recorded it either went through my headphones then through into my multitrack software, or through into the software and then back out through whatever and into my headphones. So I bought another RCA cable and re-routed my sound device back to my TAPE IN to see if I could re-route it and I don't think that worked either, I might of done something wrong though...

I don't know which Berhinger you have, but the headphone jack on most mixers should either default or be one button press away from tapping into whatever you are sending to your CR/monitor outs. Make sure that a) you are patching you vocal channel strip to a main or a sub bus, b) that main or sub bus is patched to send to your CR/monitor outs, and/or (depending on mixer layout) that your CR/monitor is patched to listen to the proper bus and not a separate tape I/O circuit.

SouthSIDE Glen said:
I don't know which Berhinger you have, but the headphone jack on most mixers should either default or be one button press away from tapping into whatever you are sending to your CR/monitor outs. Make sure that a) you are patching you vocal channel strip to a main or a sub bus, b) that main or sub bus is patched to send to your CR/monitor outs, and/or (depending on mixer layout) that your CR/monitor is patched to listen to the proper bus and not a separate tape I/O circuit.


Could you maybe put that into laymans terms? And I don't have monitors here, strictly recording only.

And nothing is muted.

Here's the mixer:


Here are some pictures, my setup is as basic as it gets. All I want to do is when I record vocals, I want to be able to hear the instrumental (which I can) but I also want to hear my vocals in my headphones as I am recording.

Basically my headphones are either plugged into my sound device or my mixer.




Ignore the settings on my mixer in the pictures, the mixer was clearly off while I took them so no settings are on they are merely for guidance so I can figure out how to do this.


Here they are plugged into my mixer. Hopefully you guys can break it down for me of what I need to re-route or whatever to get that headphone effect.

Thanks a bunch,

You may not have monitors plugged into the mixer, but that's still where the headphones are located. In other words, what is sent to the "Ctrl Room" jacks is the same thing that's sent to the headphone jack.

If you're plugged into the mixer, you may need to make sure the "2TK to Ctrl Room" button is depressed to make sure your stereo mix is indeed sent to the headphones.

Alright I got it working, but theres a problem.

It records the intrumental as well.

What I did was I added another RCA L/R connection to my mixer and sound device. I hit record on my Multitracking, then I just hit 2TK To Mix and I could hear the instrumenal and my live vocals,however when I listened to the playback, the recording picked up not only my vocals but the instrumental as well, almost like it was a Mixdown.


So now I need to get rid of the pick up of the beat so it only records my vocals.

Any suggestions?

You need to be able to send just your vocal track to the recorder (soundcard); not the complete output from your mixer. Typically this is done by sending a direct output from the channel you have your vocal mic connected to into one of the soundcard inputs. To do this, your mixer needs to have either a direct output or insert jack associated with it. I'm not familiar with your mixer so can't tell you if it does or not.

Another approach may be to just try plugging your mic into your soundcard (if it has a preamp) and do your monitoring through your DAW. If the latency isn't too bad it should work ok. Don't mute the recorded vocal overdub track in your DAW and send the soundcard stereo output back to your mixer for monitoring as you are doing now. You should hear everything in the headphones.
Looking at one of your mixer photos, you may be able to route your vocal channel to your soundcard using the Aux output. Plug your mic into your mixer and use the Aux send pot on that channel to get a good signal level. Connect the Aux send 1/4-in output on the mixer to the input on your soundcard. Arm the track for recording iin your DAW but mute it out so it doesn't get sent back out with the main mix to your mixer tape ins.
AlexW said:
You need to be able to send just your vocal track to the recorder (soundcard); not the complete output from your mixer. Typically this is done by sending a direct output from the channel you have your vocal mic connected to into one of the soundcard inputs. To do this, your mixer needs to have either a direct output or insert jack associated with it. I'm not familiar with your mixer so can't tell you if it does or not.

Another approach may be to just try plugging your mic into your soundcard (if it has a preamp) and do your monitoring through your DAW. If the latency isn't too bad it should work ok. Don't mute the recorded vocal overdub track in your DAW and send the soundcard stereo output back to your mixer for monitoring as you are doing now. You should hear everything in the headphones.

Ok well I don't hear everything in my headphones. That's my problem.

I can't plug it into my sound device and I wouldn't if I could. It's not a soundcard (PCI) it's an external device which is only used when I record, when I turn it off my computer goes back to it's regular settings. I uploaded a bunch of pictures above.

AlexW said:
Looking at one of your mixer photos, you may be able to route your vocal channel to your soundcard using the Aux output. Plug your mic into your mixer and use the Aux send pot on that channel to get a good signal level. Connect the Aux send 1/4-in output on the mixer to the input on your soundcard. Arm the track for recording iin your DAW but mute it out so it doesn't get sent back out with the main mix to your mixer tape ins.

The Aux Send, isn't that joined with the Aux Return L/R or can I use it separately? Also I only have 1 1/4" L/R input/jack on my sound device so how would that work?
And What's DAW? How can I mute it? I record on my computer, through software (Audition, Cubase SX 2.0.)

Sorry for my ignorance I'm still learning the basics.

I'm using generic terms. When I refer to "soundcard" I'm talking about your interface to your computer. When I refer to "DAW" I'm talking about the program on your computer you use for recording and mixing audio. In your DAW, you should be able to arm a track for recording and assign its mono input to one of the 1/4-in jacks on your soundcard. When you're recording this track, it's helpful to mute it if your monitoring the signal on its way in through your mixer--that way you won't hear it twice (once going in through the mixer, again coming back with the ouput from DAW into the tape return on your mixer). The Aux send isn't connected to the Aux returns, so it should work ok. Try it.
Alright I'll try it. What kind of cord would I need for that? single 1/4" to a split L/R? Also what kinds of software do you know (Multitracking) that has that kind of option? Also, should I take out the second hook up of cables I put on my Tape In on my mixer and just have the Tape out? Or keep them on?

Have your recorded anything into your system up til now? I'd assume Cubase could do this but I don't have any experience with it specifically. In terms of the cable, I would think you could use a single balanced or instrument cable with 1/4-in connectors on each end and just set up Cubase to record one of the channels on the interface. Maybe time to read your manuals.

As for the cables--you'll want to have the tape-ins connected to monitor playback from your computer of previously recorded tracks. You won't need the tape-outs, as that's what you'll be using the Aux output for.