Getting a new tube amp


New member
Hi, I'm looking to get a tube amp for around $600. I'll probably buy used so I can get a higher end one. Two amps that I'm looking at are the Hotrod Deluxe and the Marshall DSL401. The main thing I want is a nice overdrive channel. Any other amps that I might have overlooked?
Hi, I'm looking to get a tube amp for around $600. I'll probably buy used so I can get a higher end one. Two amps that I'm looking at are the Hotrod Deluxe and the Marshall DSL401. The main thing I want is a nice overdrive channel. Any other amps that I might have overlooked?

The Hot Rod drive channel is not the greatest, but the clean channel is amazing. Most reviews I've read agree. BUT it sounds phenomenal when you put an overdrive pedal in front of the clean channel.

I play through a Hot Rod Deville wilth an Fulltone OCD through the clean channel. It sounds amazing.

But why the Deluxe? The DeVille is too powerful for you?
To be honest I never really thought about the deville. Unless there is a large difference in the overdrive channels then it would just be too powerful for what I need it for. I'll check out the deville and peavy though. Thanks guys
Marshall Artist 3203. It has one of the best Marshall OD channels in existence. Sounds like a modded JCM800 without having to go to ear bleeding levels to get the tone.

Look up the reviews at Harmony Central.
Traynor YCV 50 watt
Amazing clean and two od channels that are superb

But for another $150 bucks you can get a brand new YCS100, switchable 30/100 watts, 3 fully independent foot-switchable channels, and built like a tank in Canada by Traynor employees. Beats Mexico and China built stuff all to heck.... and a lot of reviewers actually like the overdrive channel, which is unusual for a Traynor amp. I'm really sorry I sold my Traynor amp......
What type of overdrive are you looking for? Could you give examples of artists whose tones you like?

Any amp will have a good overdrive for some type of music, even those cheapo SS amps. It's a matter of matching the sound you want with the right amp.

Are you getting this amp for bedroom practice, for gigging small clubs, or playing huge festivals? No use in getting a DeVille if you can't crank it :rolleyes:.

I'm still very curious about those Traynor amps, I'd really like to play one, because they seem to get an almost Marshall-esque distortion, and a Fender-ish clean. Best of both worlds, it seems.
Are you getting this amp for bedroom practice, for gigging small clubs, or playing huge festivals? No use in getting a DeVille if you can't crank it :rolleyes:.

No point in playing guitar if you can't crank it.


It's 4:00 am. I've got a gig at 12:30 p.m.

WTF am I doing on Homerecording?

I'm addicted. :D
Thanks for the responses guys. I'm definetly going to look at the Traynor, seems like its a solid option. I'm not really looking for a particular artist's sound but just a thick blues-rock sound.
If you want a good overdrive channel, I would not go with the Hot Rod Deluxe. I have one, the OD is not that great.
I have a Hot Rod DeVille, and the OD channel ain't so good, BUT the clean channel is creamy smooth and the reverb is gooey good. The clean channel is what you should aim for, you can always get a good OD pedal and run it through the clean channel, but there's no pedal that can reproduce the classic fender reverb sound. (IMO)
Peavey Classic Series and Delta Blues
Peavey Windsor (very similar to Marshall JCM800)
Peavey 5150 for high gain if you need it!
Crate Blue Voodoo and V-Series are good
Fender Blues series are ok (NOT HOT ROD THOUGH!)

These can all be had cheap and should serve you well.
Don't mess with the Fender Hot Rod series, they're not really worth it.
Hi, I'm looking to get a tube amp for around $600. I'll probably buy used so I can get a higher end one. Two amps that I'm looking at are the Hotrod Deluxe and the Marshall DSL401. The main thing I want is a nice overdrive channel. Any other amps that I might have overlooked?

this one will fit your price range. End of story, the best sounding combo from clean to blues to metal. It is only 2 channels. for your blues sounds this will kick it out for you for you. THis guy runs through quite a few different settings. Its only 20 watts, but it is a loud and cleaner sounding than most 1/2 stacks. I would say the clean channel lacks some headroom. It will break up at higher volumes, but that can be a good thing depending on what you like, but it will stay clean at a decent volume with your volume knob on your guitar rolled back.

I use these exclusively for classic rock to metal. check it out.
Wow, metalj I just watched that demo video and I am very impressed with it. I was leaning towards the Traynor ycv40 but now this will be in serious consideration too. If anyone owns either of these amps I'd definetly like to hear from you. Thanks again.