getting a "hot" mix


New member
I am having trouble getting a hot ( loud w/ good sound quality ) mix. I am using some decent equipment ( fostex vf-16, shure mics, tannoy reveals etc ) Is the only way i can get this thing louder with compression/limiters ? I have a built in compressor on the vf 16 and i bought an external one. ( cheapy berhinger ) Both sound very compressed. What do i do? should i just buy a really good compressor? anyone have any solutions? I dont expect to get perfect sound quality, but atleast a little better than what i am getting. thanx!
low mids

will try cutting out the lows a bit. the monitors dont reproduce enough bass to tell. i will have to get used to the difference and set the lows a little lower to compensate. ( hey wait a minute, isnt that why i bought a nice set of monitors in the first place? to get true sound? sigh.... ) thanx. i will give it a try
I've printed out as many of Ed's posts as I can find- he DOES have a book- it's at my house. He da man!

Secretary General
The Conch Republic
hot mix

ok i still cant seem to get this mix loud enough. I am thinking of getting it done at a pro studio. how much should i be paying per song? ( 4minute avg per song )
sonusman said:

I can almost guarantee too that your mixes have way too much low mids in it. A common problem, and very difficult to solve well.


I'll second that... has happened to me a lot. :mad:

PS: Ed's thread kicks ass!
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Damn ED!!!

I thought I was going to have a new "Ed says" article for my binder!!! ;):D