Getting a demo started.


New member
My band has some good material written and we're ready to record a demo. Does anyone have some basic tips? Thank you.
Yup. Click that "FAQ/Tutorials" button, and read that. After you've done that you probably have a million questions. Post them here, a couple of questions ion one go, and you'll probably get an answer!

Good luck! Recording is heaps of fun!
diocide, I got some great tips. Spend shitloads of time
experimenting with eveything humanly possible,dont
be afraid of anything, and make sure everything is
perfectly in tune; there is no substitute for
perfect intonation. Make sure the vocals are up front
and one can hear every word.

Bring in an outsider to listen to the vocals. If
He/she doesnt understand every word, they need
to be cleaned up and more present in the mix.

After working on a tune for a week, put it away
for a week then come back to it. You will be
surprised at how differently you feel about it,
good or bad.

Listen to your tune in anyway you can;good monitors,
car stereo, crappy boombox, vcr. It has to sound
good on any system.

If someone in the band makes a mistake, stop right
away and do it again. It is impossible to
"fix it in the mix", if it aint right, it aint right.

Drinking and partying are for after the recording
session, not before. I have indulged in this
activity many times, and I am always jamming
and very creative when partying. Next day I realized
I layed down ten tracks of shit!! Do it straight.

Listen to your tracks at moderate volumes. The
phrase "Loud is Good" is an oxymoron of sorts.
If your tune isnt happening, playing it
louder wont help.

Final tip, as regebro stated: If you arent having
100% fun, I cant have 100% percent fun listening
to your stuff!! I have made over 50 CDs, and
if I listen to one it is very obvious to me if
I was into recording that day or not. If it
aint working, stop and regroup. You are under
no time problems if you are doing your own demo, so
take your time.

There is no need to pay me for this advice,
just send me a copy of your CD when you become
a big star!! Cheers,David