Get tracktion for FREE

No joke, it's free. Just found that myself.
I guess no reason for me to not give a try now.

Thanks GuitarPlayer. :D
I could not refuse a deal like this, so I downloaded it and tried it and I am most impressed. I was able to do alot of things from just looking at the program. My user knowledge is limited to N-Track and Cool edit pro as far as recorders go. I found both of those to be insanely easy to use, but this is even easier to use as a multitracker than those two. I think I am hooked, and will recommend this to anyone, just for its ease of use.

Now just to state, I aint no pro, and I havent delved into the ins and outs of this software yet, but from what I have tried (importing tracks, lining up tracks, recording, converting to mono, adding effect to the master channel and individual tracks etc.) it is the easiest program I have used to do those tasks.

I am impressed and I do feel like switching from N-Track. I just have to try it and see if its more stable. The only thing I see that I may not like is the fact that, on initial examination, there seems to be no direct-X plugin support, of which I have a few, but I think I can do without them.

It does encourage me to get to know it better though, and thats the kind of first date I like :D
dudlew said:
I just have to try it and see if its more stable.

I have used Tracktion now for eight months, and the one time it crashed was when I tried to use an unstable VSTi that I had been warned about.

It's solid as a rock and you already know how easy to use it is...
gosh, that think IS stable...
I tried it on my regular PC with all regular programs running (hardcore stuff, believe me) and it still didnt have any problems :D

I'm lovin' it!

damn, McDonald's took it already...