Get this!!!

notbradsohner said:
Some guy at GC just told me that the Blue Robbie might be shaped that way because "electronic signals sound better when they go in circles."

ya, thats what I said

My voice sounds better when I talk into a fan! The fan spins in a circle! And its electric! I gotta that gives me an idea :p :D :p
DrJones said:
My voice sounds better when I talk into a fan! The fan spins in a circle! And its electric! I gotta that gives me an idea :p :D :p

Make sure you get as close to it as possible. Then you'll make all kinds of sounds.
hmm... that's a bit circumspect ;)

All GC's are not created equal. I'm not a GC apologist and have no dog in this hunt, but the Houston GC on Westheimer has some pro audio folks who are pretty serious about it.
pdadda said:
When I was looking at mixers at GC, I noticed that the Yamaha MG mixers don't have a solo button. He said that they have a mute, which does the same thing. We argued for 5 minutes on this. What a douche.

He was right, assuming you have (# of channels - 1) fingers :D
mshilarious said:
He was right, assuming you have (# of channels - 1) fingers :D

Nah. If the buttons are designed correctly, all it takes is two fingers---one to drag across the mute buttons from left to right over the course of a half second or so and one to unpush the one for the channel you care about. :D